Sorry, if I write in improper place, and advice me proper address if so.

Cart is the only Drupal entity that brings two variables together, specifically the Product and the Quantity. It is a big advantage recently that it invokes Rules to decrement stock on checking out.

Going further with this idea we could get an Entity of extremely wide application to construct various "services" for enterprises, not only eCommerce. The crucial step is to exchange check-out to the customer with check-out to any destination, and increment stock in this destination.

This generalizes cart (say Bucket for differentiate) should act as follows. Assume we are in the page representing Actual Place, usually generated by the Views, in which all "goods" (or other "valuable Entities") are enlisted. There is a link besides each item "add to bucket". The Bucket grasps this Entity as default, and we can input the Quantity of this Entity to carry by the Bucket. And now, instead of "check out", there is a option "move to the Destination [X, Y,... - to choose]. We confirm, and the Bucket decrements Actual Place by the Quantity, and increments Destination accordingly.

This is nothing less and nothing more than model of any economic transaction that can be modeled by moving any value. For stock management, it can be used to note movement goods from one warehouse to the other or to the workplace or to the customer etc. Moving money for financial management, moving working hours for production management etc. etc.

In general, all logistics of any valuable things can be modeled using the Bucket because basic stock control standard consists of 3 informations only: what? where? and how much?

I tried to make a Bucket using recent new contributed Entity types as I am nor a coder, however none of them can carry two variables together.


guy_schneerson’s picture

Hi one of the plans we are considering is the abstraction of the “stock” check.
This will allow for creation of sub modules (various "services") implementing specific systems those can be used for handling stock for products, product bundles, integration with external systems or implementing other business rules like maximum of "3 x product-X" per order.

However at this point the main focus is to make sure the module is stable and functional with commerce in its current form.

I am changing the priority to normal as at this point we have more pressing issues but will appreciate any ideas use cases anyone may have

guy_schneerson’s picture

Priority: Major » Normal
guy_schneerson’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (duplicate)

i believe this is covered by
and the new roadmap
so will be closing this issue

AndrzejG’s picture

Super! I, as non-coder, tried to built something like that using modules in hand, but failed.