It would be more consistent for us to have puppet recipes that do what the magic scripts here do.

The conversion would go something like this:

* rewrite python scripts into puppet recipes (partly done in the puppet-aegir module, although it only supports debian for now)
* rewrite the fabric stuff into vagrant (this would require a host capable of running vagrant)

There are multiple advantages here:

1. the scripts developped for Jenkins would become usable by all, through puppet, for various deployments and installations
2. jenkins tests could be run outside of jenkins, simply with vagrant, which would hugely facilitate development



Anonymous’s picture

I've no problem with this. It would also be cheaper for me :) (when a failed aegir build occurs, the half-made server sits around being billed by the hour :) )

Likely would be faster builds too, and easier for someone to 'vagrant ssh' into the VM to debug stuff.

ergonlogic’s picture

BTW, the puppet-aegir module has supported development builds for a while now, and they appear fairly stable.

I'm working on another Aegir-up blueprint (template) that builds a Jenkins server. I'll try to adapt these for use with Vagrant/Aegir-up along the way.

Anonymous’s picture

Crazy half-related tangent: There's now a Vagrant plugin for Jenkins

I guess this would allow a Jenkins server to bring up a vagrant machine and do $stuff to it. Might be of interest.

anarcat’s picture

note that we have a different set of scripts here: - we should just merge with that, although that still uses fabric.

anarcat’s picture

Title: use vagrant and puppet instead of fabric and python » merge with "Vagrant Scripts for Aegir" project

we should just merge with the other project already, but we first need to merge the branches over there: #2024629: use a single branch for all releases.

anarcat’s picture

note that i marked this part of the wider #1912248: cleanup jenkins build scripts issue.