I noticed that I am no longer seeing the mobile version of some pages I have setup for mobile. I started to hack around and discovered that iPhone iOS 6.1 is being interpreted as desktop. I had a colleague test with his iPhone 6.0.1 phone. The browscap_get_browser() results are below.

I am using the browsecap data version 5016.

On iOS 6:

[comment] => Mobile Safari 6.0
[browser] => Safari
[version] => 6.0
[majorver] => 6
[minorver] => 0
[platform] => iOS
[platform_version] => 6.0
[alpha] => false
[beta] => false
[win16] => false
[win32] => false
[win64] => false
[frames] => true
[iframes] => true
[tables] => true
[cookies] => true
[backgroundsounds] => false
[javascript] => true
[vbscript] => false
[javaapplets] => false
[activexcontrols] => false
[ismobiledevice] => true
[issyndicationreader] => false
[crawler] => false
[cssversion] => 3
[aolversion] => 0
[parent] => Mobile Safari 6.0
[useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A523 Safari/8536.25
[browser_name_pattern] => Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone*CPU*OS 6?0* like Mac OS X*)*AppleWebKit/*(*KHTML, like Gecko*)*Version/6.0*Mobile/*Safari/*

On iOS 6.1 just installed last week:

 [comment] => Safari 6.0
[browser] => Safari
[version] => 6.0
[majorver] => 6
[minorver] => 0
[platform] => MacOSX
[platform_version] => unknown
[alpha] => false
[beta] => false
[win16] => false
[win32] => false
[win64] => false
[frames] => true
[iframes] => true
[tables] => true
[cookies] => true
[backgroundsounds] => false
[javascript] => true
[vbscript] => false
[javaapplets] => true
[activexcontrols] => false
[ismobiledevice] => false
[issyndicationreader] => false
[crawler] => false
[cssversion] => 3
[aolversion] => 0
[parent] => Safari 6.0
[useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10B142 Safari/8536.25
[browser_name_pattern] => Mozilla/5.0 (*Mac OS X*) *AppleWebKit/* (KHTML, like Gecko) *Version/6.0* Safari/*


andrewoke’s picture

I can confirm. Thought it was me that screwed something up. Is this something that a browscap definition update will take care of?

Edit: Also confirmed on iPad 6.1 so it's iOS 6.1 in general.

ianmen’s picture

I can confirm as well, iOS 6.1 not working

pglynn’s picture

Same here. Any idea on how we can update the browscap.ini file or get an updated version of it?

JonMcL’s picture

There is a discussion about it here:

From what I understand, Browscap is in a period of transition from the previous maintainer to a new one. So things might be bumpy for a little.

capellic’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (fixed)

I just checked the browscap tale and saw that a user agent now exists for "Mobile Safari 6.1" I tested on my iPhone 6.1 and it works as expected. Looks like it was add to data version 5018 (Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at 9:55 PM UTC) or 5017 (Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 2:30 AM UTC).

Hit the "Refresh browscap data" button on your Browscap config page (admin/config/system/browscap) to get the latest data.