drupal 7.22.

i have installed module placed modules and libraries in correct place. i can see global configuration. looks like its working. try to add new content... blank space where editor should be... able to switch back to drupal core editor via link. no other problems. no errors reported.


jjsmyth1984’s picture

I am experiencing the same issue. Not on all pages but only on one, it shows as blank when I click to edit the page but if I change the text format sat from php to text it then appears but I would like a fix for this.




deanflory’s picture

I've had the issue where I received a blank area and ckeditor does not load upon page load. What I think is happening is that ckeditor is not loading properly when a chosen Text Format is used on page load as a previously used choice and is being used again as the default for that user.

I've now been able to get the following to work, but not in cases where anything other than Plain Text was the default being displayed upon page load:

  • CKEditor 4.2.1 ( 2013.09.10) (the library at ckeditor.com, standard download, then transferred additional extra plugins from a previously downloaded custom 4.2.1 config download that wouldn't work)
  • CKEditor 7.x-1.13+10-dev (the module at drupal.org/project/ckeditor)
  • Drupal 7.23

I feel confident that there is a bug, but it only rears it's head when a previously chosen Text Format is used as the on-load default. This might be recreated by creating a node of the same node type as one created previously, thus it is using saved settings for your preferred Text Format (untested to be sure, just speculating at this point in debugging). Clearly there is a major problem with user experience if only a blank space is displayed, even throws me off since there's "nothing to see here, move along". I have no idea if it's the ckeditor module or another that is saving this preference for Text Format per field, but I think it may be what is causing SOOOOOOOOO many people hours and hours of time without any fix that I can find.

Just to be clear, if a page is loaded and there is a text field that is defaulting to Plain Text Text Format, there is no issue.

If a page is loaded and there is a text field that is defaulting to any other Text Format that uses CKEditor, there is an issue as CKEditor does not load on page load and only a blank area remains (no plain text field/editor, nothing). If a user then clicks the "Switch to plain text editor" toggle, it goes to a Plain Text looking field editor, clicking the toggle again "Switch to rich text editor" DOES load the CKEditor properly as does changing to another Text Format that uses CKEditor and is set as the rich text toggle.

So CKEditor is working, but isn't being called/initiated/loaded in this case where a CKEditor-enabled Text Format is the default upon page load.

I'm now trying out turning off CKEditor so it (rich text toggle selection) is not the default on-page display, which really isn't optimal for non-exploring users as it's really hidden at that point and not obvious, but is necessary for a user to know there is a field there, ahem.

Anybody have a fix that can allow ckeditor to be the default rich text display and load on page load without the need for user interaction?

I also posted this same comment at: https://drupal.org/node/1854454