
Content type Script has a boolean field "Production ready?". One role can create Scripts but cannot create/edit the "Production ready?" field. At first it was set to be not-required, but this results in the choices Yes (1) No (0) and n/a (NULL or FALSE?). Marking this as required and giving it a default value of "No" reduces the visible options to Yes/No.

The field_permissions module is smart enough to know that if the user can't create the field, but it's required, give it the default value and keep it hidden.

Upon exporting this feature, then performing a fresh site install, however, the unprivileged user gets an error during node-add: "The field Production ready? is required."

Turns out features is exporting an integer 0 for the default value. I think Drupal is reading the integer as the "n/a" option (not filled out) rather than the string "0" or the string "1", and throwing an error. Manually changing the exported feature to add quotes around the '0', turning it into a string fixes the issue.