Updated: Comment #0


In the issue metadata section the component information is only a text, and we need to transform into a clickable link, to improve the user experience.

Compare that to the tags list. Each tag is a link to a search for that tag.

This will speed up contributor who are looking for issues related to an issue they are already looking at.

Proposed resolution

Change component text to be a link to point at the advanced search page for the respective project, with the component filter presetted.

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

Yes. That's the whole issue.

API changes



YesCT’s picture

Title: The componenet information from the issue metadata section must be a clickable link » Make component in issue metadata link to advanced search for issues in that component
nagy.norbert1989’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
YesCT’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

added link to how to work on a d.o issue to the remaining tasks in the issue summary

YesCT’s picture

YesCT’s picture

dww’s picture

I like this, but it contradicts the direction people are proposing with #2489868: Make priority and category header in meta data summary (in sidebar) on issues link to the handbook page that defines them, and style to look like links. If any of the labels in this block are turning into links, we should be consistent about what they're linking to (either docs or searches, not some of both).

joachim’s picture

I don't think it does contradict: the mockup on that other issue indicates it's the field label that would link to documentation; here I'm suggesting the actual field value is made a link.

dww’s picture

Right, YesCT pointed out the same in the other issue. I think that could be a repeatable pattern throughout this UI, I withdraw my concern about a contradiction.

However, holy crap, this is already such an overwhelming interface -- I can't imagine how painful it would be to navigate with a screen reader...

joachim’s picture

It occurs to me that this could probably be done with https://www.drupal.org/project/linked_field and some new admin settings in the field formatters.

ressa’s picture

I agree with the proposal of linking the component text to the advanced search page for the respective project, with the component filter presetted. (I recently created an issue (#3185573: Link Component field in issues) which was correctly closed by @drumm as a duplicate of this issue.)

ressa’s picture

Version: 7.x-2.0-unstable1 » 7.x-2.x-dev

This is still a great idea.

ressa’s picture

Here's another improvement to the "Component" component, #3412056: Document each Component, make them searchable.