This module integrates Webform with Drupal Commerce and it allows creating orders with the submission data of a Webform via a Webform handler.

What does this module provide?

  • A Webform element for embedding the payment method selector (Payment Method).
  • A Webform handler for creating a commerce order with a webform submission (Commerce Webform Order Handler).


  • Go to admin/structure/webform and create or edit a webform, you can find extensive documentation in the Webform module docs:
  • In the handlers admin screen (admin/structure/webform/manage/`webform_id`/handlers) you should be able to add a "Commerce Webform Order Handler" one.
  • In the handler settings, you can customize:
    • The store that sells the purchasable entities.
    • Order item (allowing to override certain properties such price or currency).
    • Cart behaviours such as redirection or empty the current cart.


Try out a demonstration

Launch a new instance and enable the "Commerce Webform Order Demo" module:

More info about how to launch a new instance:

Live example

Here's a live example of this module working in the real world:

Similar modules

  • Webform Product: Webform Product can create a Commerce order from any Webform submission. The module currently only works well with off-site payment providers.

The main difference between Webform Product (WP) and Commerce Webform Order (CWO) is that WP sells webform subissions and CWO is simply a layer on top of commerce that allows you to sell any entity that implements PurchasableEntityInterface.

Supporting organizations: 
Development and maintenance

Project information
