Layout Options - YAML and two layout managers

This module provides a Layout plugin that allows configuration options to easily be added to layouts using YAML files and LayoutOption plugins. In most cases, using no code just YAML files.

Project overview

Layouts defined in *.layouts.yml files that use the LayoutOptions class provided by this module can then add configuration options using a combination of *.layout_option.yml files and LayoutOption plugins.
The module supplies a set of common LayoutOption plugins.

Some no code examples of configuration options that this module can be built with just Yaml files and the supplied default plugins are:

  • Adding an id attribute to allow anchor references to content.
  • Adding a set of predefined classes users can apply to the layout or it's regions.
  • Allowing custom classes to be added.
  • Attaching libraries to a layout

UI Suite Initiative

UI Suite provides a cohesive set of modules to implement full design systems while preserving and improving the Drupal site building experience.

Layout Options can be used as standalone, but shines with other UI Suite modules. Together, they provide a a full API to implement design systems:

UI Suite Overview


UI Suite themes are all using Layout Options:

Bootstrap 4 & 5 Material Design 2 Mozilla Protocol
See layout_options.yml See layout_options.yml See layout_options.yml
DSFR (French Gov) USWDS (US Gov) Zurb Foundation
See layout_options.yml See layout_options.yml See layout_options.yml
Supporting organizations: 
sponsors maintenance time
sponsors non-code contrib time

Project information
