Layout builder quick add screenshot 1
Layout builder quick add screenshot 2

This module provides an additional interface that allows you to add blocks quicker than using the default sidebar of Drupal core. It will display a selection of block types when clicking "Add block" instead of opening the sidebar. You will still have a "See more blocks" link that will let users use the default Drupal core workflow.


- Adding blocks without using the sidebar
- Display/Hide the description of the block when picking a block type.
- Show message when the block type has multiple view modes enabled
- Themes:

  • Default
  • Claro support
  • Gin support


- Install module
- Configure the module at /admin/config/content/layout_builder_quick_add
- Try to add a block through layout builder, it should use the new interface


You can see the plan for the version 1 in that issue:
#3211262: Roadmap V1.2

Similar modules

- layout_builder_browser: Allow you to pick the block type in a modal with the possibility to group them into categories.
- lb_direct_add: Gives you a simple select to pick a block instead of buttons

Supporting organizations: 
Original port D8/D9

Project information
