amazon_store 6.x-2.3

f25948e Issue #1022248 by the_g_bomb: Fixed Author link from item page returns a bad search page when Default items for amazon_store() page is set to
971324f by rfay: Fix fatal introduced by 'Protect against fatal caused if new locale goes in' :-)
7494bda Issue #1178676 by mcurry: Increase debug info height
251e05d - #1239432 by cescosa | rfay: Add Italy locale.
a54cf48 by rfay: Protect against fatal caused if new locale goes in
5f40a61 #1175466: DRY: Add and use helper function amazon_store_cleanup_browsenode_name($id, $name) by mcurry: DRY: Add and use helper function amazon_store_cleanup_browsenode_name($id, $name)
4e6885a Merge branch '6.x-2.x' of into 6.x-2.x
f04a434 Issue #1173686 by mcurry: Fix browse info panel description.
a6b1ebc Issue #1172442 by mcurry: Browse Info panel fixes and improvements (deal with empty Browse Node names, reverse breadcrumb trail, eliminate ex
62649b0 Merge branch '6.x-2.x' of into 6.x-2.x
3b4c399 Issue #1172442 by mcurry: Browse Info panel fixes and improvements (deal with empty Browse Node names, reverse breadcrumb trail, eliminate ex
4d28f6e Issue 1173346 by mcurry: Fix iframe markup; was breaking XHTML themes.
ba24116 Updating README.txt for issue #1167688.
62e5f7a Issue #1167688 by mcurry: Add hook 'amazon_store_item_lookup' in amazon_store_get_item_data. This provides a notification whenever an ASIN'

amazon_store 7.x-1.0

35d8e6e Issue #1257670 by rfay: module_load_include
d379070 Issue #1239432 by the_g_bomb: Add CN locale
47a44d2 - #1239432 by cescosa | rfay: Add Italy locale.
c09ef39 by rfay: Protect against fatal caused if new locale goes in
168348b Issue #1164990 by mcurry: Fix browsenodes
e9ad277 Issue #1078316 by Pancho: "Sort results by" only with multiple items
bbf1ecb Issue #1078316 by Pancho: "Narrow your search" only with multiple items

amazon_store 7.x-1.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Issue #1075490: Split off registered callbacks, forms and themes from main module by Pancho: Split off registered callbacks, forms and themes from main module

amazon_store 7.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

#989680: Warnings when locale is not 'us' by rfay: Avoid warnings after changing locale

amazon_store 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

#1053270: Cleanup: remove preg_split for variable_del by Pancho (backport): Cleanup: for variable_del walk thru array instead of preg_split

amazon_store 7.x-1.0-beta2

Bug fixes

amazon_store-7.x-1.x-beta2 (28 January 2011)

Not yet ready for production sites, but step by step getting closer.
You're welcome to file issues!

amazon_store 6.x-2.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

These issues are included:

* #655626: Improve overall formatting: Remove ugly shopping cart icon, etc. Add configuration on blocks. by rfay: Remove ugly graphic from search block. Improve alignment of search blocks in various themes.
Wider (and configurable) keyword entry area in search block.
Add configuration to both blocks.
* #652350: "Features" section on item detail page can contain inappropriate links by rfay: Remove links from features section of item detail page.
* #652078: Add block showing available categories for search by rfay: Add a themable block with links to categories.
* #588958: Improve and optimize item and cache search handling by rfay: Improve caching by splitting into 2 tables and use shorter refresh intervals.
* #559918: Make category list configurable by rfay: Make category list configurable so categories can be excluded.
* #566016: product description is not formatted by rfay: Allow more liberal filtering of product description so the whole thing comes through.
* #649380: Make it configurable whether the category pulldown is included or not by rfay: Make category pulldown optional on search page.
* #648980: Settings: Allow default search index to be different from the search index used to select front page items by rfay: Settings - allow separate control of front page search index
* #639312: Change links to use plain html instead of button graphics - 'buttonize' links by rfay: Change links to use 'buttonize' class instead of using background graphics.
* Change to cache results from different locales separately, so that changing locale doesn't lead to confused results.
* Don't show editorial review (Product Description) if it doesn't exist. Unfortunately, locales other than US locale don't provide this response.
* Add configuration option for Merchant ID in search. You can now search all merchants or just

amazon_store 6.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Bug fixes:

#474610: "Add to cart" should increment count if the cart already has item in it
#466616: Button images don't show if clean urls turned off
#461598: When SearchIndex equals All, BrowseNode cannot be present.

I also turned off the drupal_set_message() that by default was shown any time the Amazon API returned an error, regardless of whether it was significant to the user or not. These things still go into watchdog.

amazon_store 6.x-1.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

Several bugs fixed and a few features added.

- Added ability to configure default items in amazon_store by SearchIndex,
BrowseNode, or by an ItemId list of ASINs
- Added admin capability to turn on or off the Search at the top of the amazon_store page,
and also turn on or off the "Narrow By" and "Sort By" forms
- Added ItemId type as part of URL
- Added CHANGELOG.txt
- Added javascript behavior to show/hide full project description on the
search results page
- Removed ugly extra entries under the amazon_store menu item
- Moved the search form into themable territory. You can theme the entire
search results page (/amazon_store) by putting amazon_store_search_results.tpl.php
into your theme's directory and then changing it. So you can change everything
about that page. Patches for improved display are welcome, as is CSS that you like.
- #424988 - Selected Product in my amazon store
- #427726 - Removal of search. Addition of view, or block
- #427156 - javascript:void(null) - Or, Show/hide full description not working.
- #424740 - Error with Amazon Module (same as
- Now validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict
- #3568 (alonovo) - Search results pager was willing to go past the end of the results. This pager
can certainly still use improvement

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