This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

....Yet Another PDF Generator....
Generate PDF files for nodes using the excellent html2pdf system: - you will require HTML2PS-2.0.43
This solution pre-generates PDF files on node creation. This allows for quicker downloads on large and / or complex nodes

To install, place the entire module folder into your modules directory.

Download html2pdf and place it in directory .../modules/html2pdf/html2pdf/
Replace files in the modules/html2pdf/html2pdf/ directory with the files from the modules/html2pdf/html2pdf_update directory

Go to Administer -> Site Building -> Modules and enable the HTML2PDF module.

To change module settings go to
Administer -> Site Configuration -> HTML2PDF

To set up access to pdf files go to
Administer -> User Management -> Access Control

Your feedback would be most appreciated, and if you write your own plugin, please consider contributing back!

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Project information

  • Created by mdekkers on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
