Disclaimer - I've only just started using drupal and am also new to PHP. So there may well be a better solution to my original problem. But anyway...

I'm integrating another application (a content source) with drupal by adding a button that triggers a browser pop with a URL like http://drupalhost/?q=node/add/story&edit[title]=The%20Story%20Title which opens a node creation pane with the title or body, or other fields already filled in. (Actually I've extended flexinode a little so I can default file uploads and such, but that's a different question.)

When you've already got a session running, this works fine. But if the button triggers a new session, it correctly redirects to the login page first, then drupal_goto()s the add page once you've done so. But in the final redirection, it only preserves the 'q' parameter, none of the others, so you don't get any defaults.

I made a little change (below) to user.module::user_block() which preserves the rest of the parameters - this seems to be working fine but as I say I may well be breaking something else.

Any thoughts on whether this is the right approach and/or the right fix?

          if (empty($edit)) {
	    //PDS original loses trailing parameters, 
	    //PDS let's try to save them
            $edit["destination"] = $_GET["q"];
	    foreach ($_GET as $param => $value) {
	      if ($param != "q") { 
		if (is_array($value)) { // e.g. edit[]...
		  foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
		    $edit["destination"] .= "&{$param}[{$key}]={$val}";
		} else {
		  $edit["destination"] .= "&{$param}={$value}";