Displaying 51 - 84 of 84
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Notice: Undefined variable: base_path prevents deleting all photos Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 7.x-1.x-dev Code 6 8 years 7 months dysproseum 8 years 9 months
Outdated string in installation instructions Closed (fixed) Minor Bug report 7.x-1.0 Documentation 6 8 years 7 months 9 years 2 months
Add entity API support (and indirectly Views support) Closed (fixed) Normal Feature request 7.x-1.0 Code 7 8 years 8 months 8 years 8 months
Support variable API (makes settings translatable) Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 7.x-1.0 Code 8 8 years 8 months 8 years 8 months
More filter to moderation page Needs work Normal Feature request 7.x-1.x-dev Code 2 8 years 8 months geo.sad 8 years 8 months
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found Closed (fixed) Critical Bug report 7.x-1.0 Code 5 8 years 8 months 8 years 9 months
Move menu callbacks into separate files Closed (fixed) Normal Task 7.x-1.x-dev Code 5 8 years 8 months 9 years 2 months
Full Release Tasks Closed (fixed) Normal Task 7.x-1.0 Code 1 8 years 9 months 9 years 5 months
Call to a member function rowCount() on a non-object Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 7.x-1.0 Code 5 8 years 10 months 9 years 5 months
Add support for multiple user feeds Closed (fixed) Normal Feature request 7.x-1.0 Code 4 8 years 10 months dysproseum 9 years 3 months
Panel Pane of User's own photos does not update when new photos are imported Closed (fixed) Major Bug report Code 3 9 years 3 months kepford 9 years 4 months
Rename module files to match the name of the project Closed (fixed) Normal Task Code 2 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
Refactoring: Rename all files to instagram_social_feed Closed (fixed) Normal Task Code 9 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
Refactoring: Rename variables from social_feed to instagram_social_feed Closed (fixed) Normal Task Code 5 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
Add more link and text to panel panes Closed (fixed) Normal Feature request Code 9 9 years 4 months kepford 9 years 5 months
Restore block functionality Closed (fixed) Normal Task Code 10 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
Provide Protocol-relative URLs or SSL urls if possible Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 5 9 years 4 months kepford 9 years 4 months
When API Key is stored display a success message Closed (fixed) Minor Feature request Code 5 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
Variable social_feed_last_run not deleted on uninstall Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 5 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
On Clean install Instagram Auth fails silently Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 3 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
PHP Notices: Undefined index: file_storage & Notice: Undefined index: ftp_password Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 5 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in social_feed_pane_render() Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 3 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
On Install: Notice: Undefined index: code in social_feed_settings() Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 3 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
Cleanup/remove unnecessary files Closed (fixed) Normal Task Code 5 9 years 4 months 9 years 5 months
Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in _menu_translate() (line 777 of docroot/includes/menu.inc). Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 7 9 years 5 months 9 years 5 months
Provide a way to delete the Instagram Key Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report User interface 6 9 years 5 months 9 years 5 months
Module .info file is missing dependancies Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 5 9 years 5 months 9 years 5 months
More link text variable mismatched Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 4 9 years 7 months petermallett 9 years 7 months
Provide panel pane Closed (fixed) Normal Feature request Code 4 9 years 7 months 9 years 8 months
Update settings descriptions Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report User interface 5 9 years 7 months 9 years 8 months
Unable to remove access key once authenticated Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 3 9 years 7 months 9 years 7 months
Coding standards updates Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 7 9 years 8 months 9 years 8 months
Current display shows all files instead of just approved. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 3 9 years 8 months 9 years 8 months
Delete variables on uninstall. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report Code 3 9 years 8 months 9 years 8 months


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