Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for json_feed Needs review Normal Task 2.x-dev Code 4 1 month 2 weeks 4 months 4 days
AJAX error when adding JSON Feed display Active Normal Bug report 2.0.2 Code 2 7 months 1 week 7 months 1 week
Unable to use an image style for the image attribute Active Normal Bug report 2.0.1 Code 3 1 year 1 month 1 year 1 month
Hook_help missing Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Task 2.0.0 Code 5 1 year 3 months 1 year 3 months
Tests failing when run against 10.x branch Needs work Major Bug report 2.x-dev Code 9 1 year 5 months 1 year 5 months
[META] Unimplemented JSON Feed attributes Active Normal Plan 2.x-dev Code 13 2 years 3 weeks KarlShea 7 years 1 month
Add support for authors field added in 1.1 spec Active Normal Task 2.x-dev Code 2 2 years 3 weeks 2 years 3 weeks
Can we create category (taxonomy terms) feeds? Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Support request 8.x-1.x-dev Miscellaneous 2 3 years 10 months 3 years 10 months
Custom home_page_url Active Normal Feature request 8.x-1.2 User interface 1 4 years 1 week 4 years 1 week
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