mojo 7.x-1.3

Updated default mobile viewport meta tag value.
Added link to handbook page in README.txt.
Removed theme setting for including the iOS orientationchange fix script.
Fixed mobile menu tab flow for keyboard users.
Updated default styling for collapsed fieldsets.
Added flexgrid Panels layout.
Fixed erroneous outline on vertical tabs.
Updated default mobile menu styles.
Improved default :focus styles.
Added box-sizing: border-box to all elements.
Removed unnecessary vendor specific prefixes.

mojo 7.x-2.x-dev

New features

Refactoring for better mobile performance, fluid layout, and an easier Panels layout grid.

mojo 7.x-1.2

Added common questions to README.txt.
Added default gutter widths to Panels layouts.
Added default Views templates.
Added theme function for Boxes module.
Updated node template markup.
Added Photoshop files for icons and Panels layouts.
Make this theme compatible with the Modernizr module.
Make this theme compatible with the Respond.js module.

mojo 7.x-1.1

Changed default mobile viewport value.
Issue #1491094: Make IE6 warning message an optional theme setting.
Removed unwanted core RTL stlesheets.
Updated default link focus styling.
Separated out IE-specific styles to their own style sheet.
Added a drush file to automagically create a new theme based on Mojo via drush.
Added README.txt file.
Updated default styling for tables and password suggestions.
Fixed sytax errors in Panels layouts.

mojo 7.x-1.0

Added warning message if modernizr.min.js has not been added to js directory.
Added permission check before displaying Modernizr warning.
Issue #1366472: Use a sprite for the feed icon.
Updated theme setting for forcing IE to use Chrome Frame if installed.
Updated IE conditional classes to use lt-ieN format.
Added theme setting to use Selectivizr.
Updated skip links and added script to make them work correctly in IE, Opera, and Webkit.
Updated default button styles and added link transitions.
Fixed collapsible fieldset icons.

mojo 7.x-1.0-rc3

Bug fixes

Fixed typo in menu_local_tasks().
Updated markup for single column Panels layout.
Added inline menu style.
Fixed styling for password suggestions.
Issue #1347804 by ralphgh: Fixed error for sub-themes when rebuilding the registry on every page.
Fixed image sizing for small screens.
Fixed iframe display bug.
Fixed video sizing for small screens.
Fixed IE8 clearfix bug.
Removed unecessary clearfix classes.
Updated menu tree theme function.
Reorganized field templates.
Updated footer markup.

mojo 7.x-1.0-rc2

New features

Updated comma separated link styles.
Added responsive layouts for Panels using the OOCSS grid framework.

mojo 7.x-1.0-rc1

Fixed heading levels to work with current AT capabilities, since they don't implement the HTML5 sectioning algorithm yet.
Removed role="contentinfo" from all <footer> elements, except in page.tpl.php.
Fixed main menu layout in IE6.
Added clearfix css to menu lists.

mojo 7.x-1.0-beta2

Fixed layout when no sidebars are present.
Fixed default styles of definition lists.
Added .htaccess for better front-end performance of images.
Added documentation for mobile meta tags.

mojo 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features

Converted aggregator templates to HTML5.
Converted user profile templates to HTML5.
Cleaned up page.tpl.php markup.
Added comment_user_verification feature.
Added CSS support for RTL languages.
Updated layouts to use em instead of px.
Updated aggregator-wrapper.tpl.php to use a class instead of an id.

mojo 7.x-1.0-alpha7

Fixed minor coding style issues found by the Coder module.
Converted node.tpl.php to HTML5 and adjusted associated styles.
Converted field.tpl.php to HTML5 and adjusted associated styles.
Added field--taxonomy-term-reference.tpl.php.
Issue #1277766: Missing header for main menu when using the drop-down option.
Added header to node links.
Converted comment.tpl.php and comment-wrapper.tpl.php to HTML5 and adjusted associated styles.
Cleaned up field markup and associated styles.
Converted field--image.tpl.php to HTML5.

mojo 7.x-1.0-alpha6

New features

Fixed minor coding style issues found by the Coder module.
Converted node.tpl.php to HTML5 and adjusted associated styles.

mojo 7.x-1.0-alpha5

Bug fixes

Issue #1272194: Undefined variables in maintenance.tpl.php.
Added header for accessible page links.
Fixed styling for pipeline menus.

mojo 7.x-1.0-alpha4

New features

Updated main menu styles to accomodate smaller screens.
Added documentation to style sheets.
Added logo feature, but logo is hidden until printed.
Updated default form element styles.
Fixed menu tree styles.
Updated page.tpl.php markup and associated styles.
Added custom block templates.
Added maintenance-page.tpl.php.

mojo 7.x-1.0-alpha3

New features

Added pager styles.
Added print styles.
Updated documentation for theme settings.
Incorporated best practices from Mobile HTML5 Boilerplate.

mojo 7.x-1.0-alpha2

Updated theme settings.

Removed Chrome frame meta tag theme setting. This feature should be set in .htaccess.

Added theme setting for drop-down menus.

Fixed inline-container styles.

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