mobile compatibility

I recently got a Google alert for one of my D6 sites:

These pages will not be seen as mobile-friendly by Google Search, and will therefore be displayed and ranked appropriately for smartphone users.

I'd like to fix this but I am bewildered by various theme and module options.

What should i do?

Brendan: I apologize. The site is based on the Minnelli theme, has two languages and contains a 'book'.

moving multisite to new web host

Hi all,

I have a drupal 6 multisite installation that I am moving to a new web host. I would like to be able to test both sites before going live on the new host.

I can access the main site via a temp URL on the new web host, i.e.

But how can I test the 2nd site?



Help with pathing in cron job

My cron job setup is being plagued by pathing errors. As of now, my configuration is as follows (D6.34/php5.4/Linux) -

In settings.php, I have uncommented and edited the $base_url line so that it now reads -
$base_url = "";

The cron job itself, as set up through my site's cPanel, has a command of -

/opt/php54/bin/php /home/my_username/public_html/cron.php

Contributed plugins

These plugins are provided by modules that extend Feeds Tamper.



Debug a value at any step of the tampering flow by using the webserver's error log, Drupal's watchdog, standard Drupal messages, or Devel's dpm() function.

Make Theme fervens mobile/responsive for D6/D7


We are using the theme fervens for our site (drupal 6 site). See theme documentation here and here

SA-CONTRIB-2015-079 - Chaos tool suite (ctools) - Multiple vulnerabilities


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