Change Status Report on Drupal 6

I am setting up my server to host Drupal 6 on a IIS 5.

On the /admin page, it tells me "One or more problems were detected with your Drupal installation. Check the status report for more information." The only "problems" is that Update notifications is not enabled and the fact its on IIS is highlighted in yellow.

Since non-technical people will be administering the site and since I made changes to the core, I don't want the update notifications enabled but I also don't want people thinking there is a problem with their site when there really isn't.

ldap integration for drupal 6.0

Hi All,

Does anyone know if the ldap integration module will be available for drupal 6.0?

I have tried and tested 6.0 rc1 and it's fantastic. Most notably the improvement in the method in which books work over previous versions. I would like to begin to use drupal 6.0 in a closed environment the problem is that I need ldap integration :(

Can anyone shed any light?

Warm Regards

module naming convention feedback: HEAD, DEV, BETA, etc.

I would like to get feedback on what everyone thinks about module naming.
What file name should be used at what stage of development for the module?
Right now, there is no consistent naming between module developers.

Some modules are in endless DEV and the module is usable.
Some modules are DEV only when the developer feels it is not ready for testing and change to BETA when they feel it is OK to test.

What would the name be for a fix? For example, some developer releases a module as a point release 1.0 but users report an major bug. So the developer fixes the bug and releases a DEV version with the fix. Should this be the standard? Or should DEV only be for testing? And the developer should release a 1.01 point release for the fix?

Here is what I am thinking.

HEAD - base for all different branches of drupal. ie 4.7x, 5.x, 6.x Not for use. Not listed in update status module.
DEV - only for development, not even beta yet. Not listed in update status module.
ALPHA - have not seen anyone use it and maybe not necessary. kind of like DEV
BETA - some bugs, but ready for general public testing. the module will not cause major harm to the system. Listed in update status module.
RC - beta complete, if no bugs found then create a point release. Listed in update status module.

Brain-dead simple way to add media to content


I have been working on a way to transform Drupal into a terribly simple website management system. I use Drupal for all my clients, most of which are small businesses with 10-15 pages. It works very well for many things, such as content editing, user management, and document uploads.

But where Drupal really lacks in usability is a simple way to manage menus, blocks, forms, and media within the content. (images, flash, links to uploaded files) It seems easy enough for many of us, with Drupal experience, but for a first-time computer-illiterate user, Drupal is quite overwhelming.

Use a draggable table (???)

I read
I created a draggable table, but I can't understand how to get info about order of elements,
so i can't make use of draggable table

Theming forms


Hopefully someone can help. I am currently building a module that allows an administrator to promote content to a "lead story". The administrator selects a node he wants to promote and that is it.

I do this through a form in the administrator >> site configuration menu. I also want to display a list of the most recent 10 nodes posted. I have done this but the issue I have is with applying a theme to these nodes.

I have a function called leadstory_admin() that does this -- the code is abridged:

function leadstory_admin() {
		$result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql($query), $type, $status, 0, $max_display);

			while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)){
	    $form['title'][$data->nid] = array('#value' => l($data->title, 'node/'. $data->nid));	 			 
			     $form['node'][$data->nid] =  array('#value' => $data->nid);
		$form['#theme'] = 'leadstory_admin';

return $form; 

I then have a theme_leadstory_admin($form) function. The issue is that the theme function isn't called.

Any ideas how I can get this function to theme work?

I then went to the node module, in particular and tried messing around with node_admin_nodes() form and theme. Interestingly if I changed the call of:

$form['#theme'] = 'node_admin_nodes';


$form['#theme'] = 'node_admin_nodesthemetest';


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