Joomla -> Drupal and split content

Hello community! :)

This is my first post here and let me introduce. I am 32 years, a programmer, hamburg, Germany. I wrote my own cms. Than figured that this is quiet stupid to do alone and ended up with joomla.

Now i know joomla quiet well and why i want to quit. I looked at a lot cms systems and think drupal has an wide and active community, a clean core, sef, html compliance etc. and i want to join.

But i still don't understand some basic concepts about drupal. And i need a more complex conent structure than just one content element but content split up in many elements.

Primary links directory didn't change

When I changed the main folder name from "Drupal" to "4H", the primary links still tries to load:
instead of

I looked through a couple of scripts, and configurations, but couldn't find anything that would cause this problem.

Drupal therapy training: Seattle, Feb 24

Sneaking upon you again is another Drupal therapy workshop, this time in Seattle, WA, on Feb 24, 2008. This all-day intensive training opportunity for new and novice Drupal admins and end users will provide quality Drupal foundations in a price bracket that non-profits and small businesses can afford. San Francisco and DC have been a great success, we're on our way to the Pacific Northwest next! Take a look at the website for more information.

Web Based Software for Drupal

Standalone Video Music Photo Gallery - Flash Player!
Web Based Software for Drupal Wordpress Typo3:

WebTV - Video Gallery - Music Gallery - Photo Gallery - Slide Gallery

A2B2XS - Cheap Shared Drupal-supporting host in the UK.

I recently posted about this on my blog:

Basically, they are offering a shared-level hosting package for £20 a year which provides 1Gb space & 25Gb bandwidth powered by Lightspeed Webserver 3, PHP 5 & MySQL 5. They also support SVN and Zend Framwork.

I've used their VPS service for 12 months now and just renewed at what worked out at less than £15 a month for a VPS with root access, 512Mb RAM (burtstable to 1Gb), 15b HD Space & 200Gb Bandwidth.

They also provide a budget VPS service called CheapVPS. This service basically provides the same level as A2B2 but on a more budget level.

A Form Builder module in the core

I have been thinking and looking around for registration/enrollment module. I started off looking at the survey module. It had a lot of what I needed but did not allow users to edit their answers. Then I looked at the forms module (required by survey). I could build on it to make new forms, then I ran into WebForm. This one kind of looks like forms+survey, and allows a bit more (like limiting the number of replies), but still not editing an answer (patch on the work). Then there is the signup module, that is a sort of enrollment module. It allows forms to be added to it by other modules.

Apparently CVS access will not be granted for creating a similar module (but Form+Survey is very similar to WebForm). I suddenly was looking at two very similar modules, none of which had all the functionality I wanted and thinking that maybe some of the redundancy could be eliminated by having a core “form building module”. Both modules have the same idea, allow user to create forms for the Form API via web. Both have some sort of validation. Both modules store data on tables, and the generate reports.


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