Custom filters and placing after first </p>

Hi, I am using Custom filters module and I need to place my own code after first end of paragraph. How can I do this using Custom Filters?

I have </p> in pattern and in replacement text i have this:

$result = '</p>';
$result .= '<!-- info -->';
return $result;

However that doesn't seem to work. It replace every occurrence of paragraph end. The bigger problem is that it seems to be placed into another < and >. :-(

Need help with Drupal 6 theming

Mostly, I'm looking for a "What's In. What's Out" overview?

e.g. [themename].info is in. _phptemplate_variables() is out.

I spent a lot of hours reading Converting 5.x themes to 6.x and Theme developers guide Drupal 6, and also watching

They have been informative (and I don't know if its the way things are presented, insufficient information, or because I'm not a PHP developer) but I'm not entirely convinced of the claim that theming is better in D6 :(

For example:
- What is optional/mandatory in [themename].info
- What is theme function registering about? And why is it needed?
- Is there a key to and What are the red/grey/solid/dashed/dotted lines representing? Are there any examples to accompany the PDFs.

Panels 2: Adding a node to a panel page

The recommended method for adding a node to a panel page is as follows:

  • Navigate to the Panel Pages List at admin/panels/panel-page.
  • Click 'Edit' at the end of the row of the page you wish to add the node to.
  • Go to the 'Context' tab.
  • Under the Contexts section on the right, select 'Node' and click Add.
  • Select the node you want.
  • Save the node selection configure screen.
  • The configuration pop up goes away. Save the page.
  • Then go to the Content tab. Click any add content button. You will notice there is a section you do not normally see named 'Node context'. Any of these panes will allow you to display a node or information about a node. Use the 'Node content' pane under the 'Node context' section to do a basic node view.

For advanced theming

  • In the 'Node content' add config dialog, there is an item called the 'panel_identifier', which you can use to get maximum control over the presentation of the data and be able to automatically use different panel-based templates depending upon what you enter in that field. In your _phptemplate_variables, you can use a piece of code like this:

// under case 'node', assuming the variables array is named $vars:
if (!empty($vars['node']->panel_identifier)) {

Configuring mailboxes for Different Hosts (1.x, 2.x)

Different hosts may require different "Extra Commands" on the mailbox page connection settings. This handbook entry tries to document them to make it easier for people to use mailhandler.


While Dreamhost's php doesn't include the necessary imap_open function, you can still access Dreamhost mailboxes by using the /novalidate-cert Extra command with IMAP on port 143. Be sure to use as the domain (not just and leave the folder as INBOX.

To use with Dreamhost that has your email through GMail use the settings for IMAP GMail below but for extra commands use /ssl/novalidate-cert

The following settings work for mailhandler 2.x in Drupal 6.22 site hosted on Dreamhost running PHP 5.2.17. Note that is an email account set up on Dreamhost.

Best way to do this (items with many sub-items)?

Hi all. I've got to grips with some of Drupal, but I'm not sure of the best way to do the following. Any advice would be fantastic.

I'll describe a simplified version of what I want to do in Drupal 5 or 6. In this case, the site is already running on Drupal and I know how I would do the following using a separate database with PHP, but I'd like to keep it all in Drupal if possible.

Multibyte string input conversion in PHP is active and must be disabled

I Can not get the instalation to work. I get the error message on the installation page Multibyte string input conversion in PHP is active and must be disabled. I am using a hostecellence as my hosting. I read thru some of the post and tried some of the fixes that were listed but nothing seems to work. I am a new to this so any help would be a great help.


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