Any Best Australian Hosting Solutions for Drupal?

Can any one suggest best Australian hosting company for Drupal?

Also if any one uses australian based hosting solution for hosting drupal website please share some info on the usability of webhosting interface and level support provided by the company.

Upgrade disaster!

Well, this has been horrible!

I recently upgraded to a new server, and now everything has exploded... body parts lying everywhere... you get the idea!

First, my website couldn't find any includes, and I was getting "failed to open stream" errors.

I remedied this by adding ini_set("include_path","."); to bootstrap.ini. I read about this somewhere in the forums, but I can't locate the specific page at the moment.

Now my site text would load, but no links worked, because Drupal was inserting "cgi-sys" into every url. I fixed this by explicitly setting $url_base in settings.php.

OK, my site is up and running... but couldn't this have been done automatically? I mean, for every site that I host (several at this point), I am having to go in and hack a core file, and set $db_url.

Next issue: I wanted to try out D6 to help with development, using a subdomain. Once again, I got "failed to open stream" errors immediately. So, I edited bootstrap.ini, and tried again. That part worked, but then it started inserting "cgi-sys" into the install url, re-directing me to "", which results in an infinite loop.

As it is, I don't know how to remedy this (no settings.php to edit, yet), so I can't install D6.

How to count results in query

hi, I am trying to get the count value of results from my database query. I do not want to use SELECT COUNT(id) since I am not just getting the count value but also results from the db. I tried using mysql_num_rows but that did nothing.

My test query as an example

$result = db_query('SELECT id, name, title FROM table_name ... ..... ....

In the above query, how would I get a count of the total rows in the database? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Filtering issue


I'm trying to use google adsense. I pasted the code google gave me into drupal but it is filtering one of the '>' characters in the code to a '\<'

Anyone know whats going on? Thanks.

localhost (xampp) very slow on Vista for some reason

For some reason I'm finding Drupal on localhost (xampp) on Vista much slower than on XP. On my old (and slower) XP machine, pages would typically load in around 700 or 800ms. On the faster Vista machine it is around 3600ms. This is out of the box, without extra modules running.
I turned off zonealarm, but that didn't make any difference. Is anyone else having this problem?

Panels 3: Creating a new front page with Views and Panels 3

When you have tools as useful as Views and Panels 3, you'll want to be able to use them together. To figure out how to use them together, let's create a new front page. Drupal's standard front page is useful, but we want something a little more. Please note that the screenshots are from Panels 2, but are similar to Panels 3.

  1. The first thing to do is make sure you have both Views and Panels 3 installed. You don't need all of the Panels modules, but it's easiest to enable them all at once.
  2. The next step is to create the views we'll need. The first one we need, the front page view, is a sample view that comes with Views. Let's enable that.
  3. Click Views (Site Building > Views). This brings you to the Views management page. On the bottom, under the 'Default Views' heading, find the 'frontpage' default view, and click 'Add'. Note that this screenshot is for Views 1; the Views 2 screen is different, but the frontpage view is still available.
  4. Click 'Save' at the bottom.
  5. Views 2 has an 'archive' view provided by default. Simply enable it.
  6. Click 'Save' at the bottom.


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