Main topic described: Drupal 6 Module settings
Drupal hook used: hook_menu
Now that we have a working module, we'd like to make it more flexible. If we have a site that has been around for a while, content from a week ago might not be as interesting as content from a year ago. Similarly, if we have a busy site, we might not want to display all the links to content created last week. So, let's create a configuration page for the administrator to adjust how many links to display, and leave it at that for this tutorial.
Create the configuration function
We'd like to configure how many links display in the block, so we'll create a form for the administrator to set the number of links. The first step in doing that is to define a "system settings" form page, using the Drupal Forms API. Since this is our "administer" page, we'll call the function that generates the function onthisdate_admin()
(or we could choose another name, but it should start with onthisdate_ ) and put it into our onthisdate.module file:
function onthisdate_admin() {
$form = array();
$form['onthisdate_maxdisp'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Maximum number of links'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('onthisdate_maxdisp', 3),