Main topic described: Let Drupal know the module exists
Drupal hook described: hook_help
In addition to the modulename.module file, all modules must have a file, which contains meta information about the module.
The general format is:
name = Module name
description = A description of what your module does.
core = 6.x
For this example, the file would be named "". Without this file, the module will not show up in the module listing. For this example, it could contain the following:
name = On this date
description = A block module that lists links to content created one week ago.
core = 6.x
Add the source above to a file named to
and save it into the module's directory at sites/all/modules/onthisdate.
Note: If you copy and paste this code block, ensure that the description data does not contain a line break (turn off word-wrap on your text-editor to be sure). Otherwise, the .info file will not parse correctly.
Info File Details
- name (Required)