Expert Drupal programmer/designer wanted for development of a new website:
(1) Porting of 1-2 existing css-templates to Drupal 5.x/6.x. One of the templates has partly been ported to Drupal 5.x.
(2) Set-up and customizing Drupal including the necessary modules (CCK, Views, Panels etc.)
(3) Programming / customizing existing modules for client-area backend/frontend. What we want:
- The admin should be able to define and publish client-specific surveys and questionnaires
- The admin must be able to define specific criteria regarding deadline for when the survey/questionnaire must be filled by the client, send
out reminders via e-mail/SMS (not required), how the results of the questionnaires should be calculated and presented to the client (if
possible, automatically calculated and generated)
- When the client is logged in, he/she are presented with a menu of existing surveys/questionnaries in chronological order (for example)
to fill out online
- Client and the admin must be able to comment specific surveys/questionnaires.
- Archive / History functionality
- Document/File archive