I have been away from drupal recently, but I have several projects that i have started, and not completed. I am not really a programmer by trade, and I realize that a lot of functionality could be improved. Most of these sites were built on 4.7 and some 5.0.
needless to say, im just trying to figure out what to do with these sites. i have so many of them, and feel that a lot of effort could be potentially wasted.
is there any way to partner up with other developers that share a common goal or interest, such as in the development of sites or ideas?
I just installed Drupal today, literally 2 hours ago. After playing around with making a template, all is going well. Only question is, is it possible to override certain elements such as $left?
I tried poking through the documentation but it is all a bit overwhelming right now.
Right now, on my $left column I have the user login information. I don't quite like the way this is layed out. I was thinking of moving the text around, and having "Register new account" moved around.
I messed up, and now I can't access my admin pages, no login cuz I put it on my front page, and It doesn't recognize my user name and password. Where {in the coded pages} do I go to correct this.
Thanks for any help that you can give.
Oh yeah, the error message I get is "access Denied"
Hi looking into using Drupal to power all the sites I develop. I had written my own CMS however it took me a few months to bring things up to scratch and I was spending more time tweaking the CMS than actually working on the sites! Anyway that's just a brief intro. Been trying to get my head round the 'drupal' way looks very promising so far.