Image Gallery for 6.x?

I'm new to drupal and figured RC1 is a good thing to use to get my feet wet....

Well, I'm trying to add an image gallery that's compatible with 6.x...and can't find any modules...suggestions?


Comment Settings in Drupal 6.0

There use to be a setting page for comment on admin/content/comment/settings

Where did it gone (in Drupal 6.0rc1)?

.info file, script[] not being included in html output

I am working with the new RC1 for drupal 6 and in the .info file I have 3 scripts listed but they do not seem to make it into the rendered template html header.


script[] = script.js
script[] = script_foo.js
script[] = script_bar.js

with this in head of page.tpl.php

<?php print $scripts ?>

should place this in the head section with the

does it make a big difference

what is the difference between


CCK vs Region

is it not same?

Form API - outline documentation for Drupal 6

Comprehensive documentation of the Form API in a single location does not currently exist. While the Form API is documented, you will be forced to piece together how it all works from various documents. In the meantime, feel free to help out by contributing new documentation, clarifying existing documentation and posting comments in this section.

Key documents you'll want to consult if you want to learn the Form API for Drupal 6

Beginners and intermediate users should consult:


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