Article Directory using drupal 6 or 5

I would like to for drupal 5 or 6 to power my article directory idea. Which modules would you suggest using?

Is Drupal right for us?


I am the webmaster at We are a gaming group designed for the upcoming game Pirates of the Burning Sea. I have had many problems with my PHP-Nuke site (enabled with PHPBB2), and it just is not doing the things I want it to do.

I have many questions about Drupal before I decide upon switching.

multilanguage capability


Is it possible for an article (story whatever) to have both an english and french version?

If yes (I assume you can hehe) How is this stored in the database?

Good idea? Drupal Custom WYSIWYG

For the endusers WYSIWYG editors become more difficult when for example you want to make a longer text with images aligned to the right and the left.

Opinions Requested, but BE NICE!

I just got the 6.0 version today, I am really happy with this site, I found it easier to use than 5.5, however will be anxiously awaiting updates to the chatroom module for the new site.

This will go to a regular domain eventually.


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