The implications module gives administrators the ability to create implied relationships.
A quick example might be on a company site where users are employees. If there are two relationship types "Co-Worker" and "Manager," the "Manager" relationship implies "Co-Worker." If I am your manager I am also your co-worker.
The system handles this by simply creating the implied relationship after the implying relationship is approved. If I request to be your manager, you will see one pending request - for me to be your manager. When you approve that request the system will approve the manager request and create a co-worker relationship that is auto-approved.
From the included README.txt:
This is a plugin module for the User Relationships module.
It allows admins to set up implied relationships (ex: Manager implies Coworker).
These implies relationships will be automatically created. If a relationship that is
implied by another is deleted the implied by relationship is also deleted.
Implied relationships can be chained (ex: Manager implies Coworker implies Officemate)
User creates a "manager" relationship to another user: The "coworker" relationship will
be automatically created between them.
User removes a "coworker" relationship to another user: The "manager" relationship will
be automatically deleted.