User Relationship Privatemsg

Provides support for the Privatemsg module.

Privatemsg provides support for buddylist so this module takes advantage of that. It will provide a list of your current relationships in the quicklist.

User Relationship Implications

The implications module gives administrators the ability to create implied relationships.

A quick example might be on a company site where users are employees. If there are two relationship types "Co-Worker" and "Manager," the "Manager" relationship implies "Co-Worker." If I am your manager I am also your co-worker.

The system handles this by simply creating the implied relationship after the implying relationship is approved. If I request to be your manager, you will see one pending request - for me to be your manager. When you approve that request the system will approve the manager request and create a co-worker relationship that is auto-approved.

From the included README.txt:

This is a plugin module for the User Relationships module.

It allows admins to set up implied relationships (ex: Manager implies Coworker).
These implies relationships will be automatically created. If a relationship that is
implied by another is deleted the implied by relationship is also deleted.

Implied relationships can be chained (ex: Manager implies Coworker implies Officemate)

User creates a "manager" relationship to another user: The "coworker" relationship will
be automatically created between them.

User removes a "coworker" relationship to another user: The "manager" relationship will
be automatically deleted.


User Relationship Defaults

The defaults module gives administrators the ability to create default relationships. Think "Tom" from MySpace.

When a new user signs up on the site they are automatically related to the specified user using the specified relationship type.

Administrators can create as many defaults as they see fit.

User Relationship Invites

This module requires the Invite module.

It hooks into the invite module and allows users the chance to set their relationship to the person they are sending the invite to. There aren't any configurable options for this module.

User Relationship Mailer

The mailer module provides email functionality. The system will email users when an action has been taken on a relationship.

This module will create a new set of settings on the relationships settings admin page allowing administrators to set the content of the email as well as whether or not that email is sent.

Currently the actions that trigger an email are:

Best way to chip in and support a 6.x feature?

I'm psyched about D6, particularly because it looks like it will implement one feature that is my #1 pet peeve with D5: Block titles will be clickable. ( Yaaaaay!

Well, hopefully. Right now this feature is an unassigned task. Hmm. I'm not 100% sure what that means, but I suspect there's a risk no one takes up the task it won't get done.

I want to help make sure the feature is implemented. But I can't code.


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