How change the apperence of default predefined regions(footer, header ...)

Hello everyone!

I am a novice in Drupal CMS. I have studied a lot of HOWTOs, SNIPPETS and manuals on this system but I still have got no clear understanding of how some things are done in this CMS. For instance, I faced with trouble of changing the layout of header/footer regions. I look in include/ file and found the piece of code that is responsible for outputting the footer variable in page.tpl.php in my theme. It looks like this:

Submodules (to provide extra functionality)

The following plugins come bundled with the core module and can be enabled or disabled according to what functionality the site own would like

User Relationship Mailer
Will (conditionally) send email notifications regarding relationship creation/removal/approval/disapproval/cancellation.
User Relationship Defaults
Creates default relationships to any user joining the site (think Tom on MySpace).
User Relationship Implications
Allows admins to specify implied relationships (Manager implies Coworker) that are automatically created when this implying relationship is created and removed accordingly.
User Relationship Blocks
Provides several different blocks.
User Relationship Invites
Requires the Invite module and allows users to specify a relationship to a user that they invite to join the site.
User Relationship Views
Provides integration with the views module providing filters, arguments, and fields.
User Relationship Privatemsg
Integration with the privatemsg module showing your relationships in the quick select list.
User Relationship Migrate (Drupal 6 only)
Allows admins to migrate Buddy List 2 to User Relationships.
User Relationship Elaborations

Module Developer API

The following information is provided from user_relationships/user_relationships_api/

Please refer to that file for the most up to date documentation.

The main module is built to be as bare-bones as possible then provide an API that other developers can take advantage of. By way of example, as well as to keep the size of the main module down, there are several plugin modules bundled with the core module. These should give you an example of how plugins can be developed to extend and enhance the functionality of the core.

User Relationships

The User Relationships module allows users to create named relationships between each other.

Relationship Types

Relationship types are defined by an administrator at: Administer > User Management > Relationships (for D7: admin/config/people/relationships).

Relationship types have a name, a plural name, a time-out, an auto approve designation and a directionality. The name can be anything. The time-out is the amount of time a request stays active. For example, if it's set to 30 days and a user requests a relationship with another user and that user doesn't accept or deny the request within 30 days the request will be dropped.

If auto approve is set, the system skips the request->approve/deny process and simply creates the relationship. An application of this might be the relationship type "subscriber." You don't necessarily need to approve of me subscribing to you.



An example of a two-way relationship may be "friends." If you're my friend I'm your friend. This is the default for new relationships created with User Relationships.


Schema: UI for the Schema API

The Schema module provides useful information and tools based on Drupal 6's Schema API.

TO DO: Everything.

Suitability for Community Site .. Help Desperately Required!

I want to build a small "specialised" community web site, but must have the following key

  • Personal messaging within the site between users
    • A user has their own profile (customisable within a framework)
    • Accessible via their own unique URL (erm, closest thing I can think of is myspace, with{user}
      A user has their own mini gallery (20 images) specifically for them
    • Possibly purchase additional galleries? ie. levels of membership get more galleries
  • A user has a personal blog system that is can be made private or public
  • A user has their own private contact management system
  • A user has their own Diary system, linked to contact management system, where items are either private or public.
  • Aside from those requirements, the usual news, contributions, blogs, forums etc would also be required.

    I was told by a friend that Drupal was the way forward, however, I have visited, I am here, I am LOST!!!

    Could someone please, please start pointing me in the right direction of what I need for base install, modules
    that need to be installed and how I can go about customising a theme to make it all look pretty. Or indeed
    point me at relevant reading material.


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