photos of users do not show up

In the users details, the user does not come with a photo but with a link "user´s photo" which if clicked leads back to the users page (no photo). However the photo is there in the "files". any ideas?

Could you help me?
many thanks

Is Drupal able to view and modify an ICS Calendar?

Does Drupal have a module which gives the user the opportunity to view and modify (create and delete would also be nice but not really necessary) an ICS calendar?
I would like to use it to publish birthdays. The birthdays have to be shown by month and the events have to be shown in the month view.

So it will look like this:

4 Lisa (1982)
14 Tim (1960)
29 Kevin (1987)

The ICS file will be viewed with Drupal, but I would like to keep the option open that I can use it with Mozilla Sunbird or my PDA in the future.

Porting nodewords to drupal 6
I got
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'modules/nodewords/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /home/daniele/Documenti/NEWDRUPAL/drupal-6.x-dev/includes/ on line 341

when accessing admin/content/nodewords
The code is

6.x documentation

can anyone point me to a link that list all the new enhancements done to 6.x - I found this but wondering if there is a better one!


Drupal 6 RC1 released

Release candidateUpdate: Drupal 6.0 Release Candidate 2 is available now!

Following four beta releases, and with tons of bugs fixed and user interface improvements added, we are proud to present to you the first release candidate of Drupal 6.0. Although there are still a few known issues that we are working on fixing for you, we are confident that our code is stable enough for wider testing by the community. Since the last beta version was released two weeks ago, we have improved on the embedded developer documentation, strengthened several update functions to ensure that updates are properly applied for Drupal core and contributed modules, revised most user help text and form descriptions to be more understandable and accurate, made user logins more secure, improved right to left language support for several features, and improved table indexes to help with referential integrity and improve performance.

The first beta announcement provided a comprehensive list of high level improvements made since Drupal 5.x, so in this announcement we'll concentrate on how you can help ensure that Drupal 6 is released as soon as possible and is as rock solid as the previous Drupal releases that you've grown to love!

There are a number of modules already ported to Drupal 6. A list of already released updates is available on the modules page by selecting 6.x from the drop-down menu. For all other modules that don't yet have 6.x compatible releases, keep your eye on the modules' issue queues or on the Drupal 6.x contributed module status page to get an idea on the upgrade time-frame. If you are a module maintainer, now is the time to start working on the update to Drupal 6! Read on for more details.

Search Term Advertising

Congratulations to Dries on the financing of Acquia

I am just a delighted Drupal user. Like many of us I use Drupal to host specialist community web sites, with limited budget and limited access to technical resources.

Once again a big thank you to the many experts who have so freely offered code snippets, suggestions and such - so that people like me can build such professional solutions.

My area of experience and expertise, which I would like to offer back to the community, is in search, specifically for this post in search term and content based Internet advertising.

This is not for you if you have 1000's of users per hour, and millions of page impressions - stop now!

For us smaller guys, we get it - to generate advertising revenue we must display advertising (banners, texts etc.) to the users visiting the content on our sites.

But this is where the fun begins:

First - we do not want our sites to be filled with intrusive banner advertising - this is not why we have built them. In fact we are explicitly against this - and in my case would rather pay the costs of the site myself.

By the way 1&1 really do seem to have their stuff together when it comes to hosting Drupal, osCommerce and Openads.

My two examples are:


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