Starting a site in Drupal 6 beta?


do you know if it's advisable to begin developing new sites in Drupal 6 beta (it'll go "on air" when 6 stable will be out), in order not to have to convert everything when the production release will be out?

Will the data be compatible or beta-to-production conversion scripts be provided? I'd really hate to make a polished site in version 5.5 and then have to redo a lot of it for version 6 in 2 months or so.

Server-wide Drupal install: best practices?

Hi, I'm doing some year-end server housekeeping and I'd like to streamline my current Drupal setup. What's the best way to run Drupal in a cPanel server with several domains and customer accounts?

- A single, server-wide Drupal instance?
- A Drupal instance for each customer cPanel account?
- A Drupal instance for each customer domain?

I'm already using the multisite feature in some domains/subdomains, but I will appreciate any comments and suggestions for going further.

Kind regards... and Happy Christmas!!

Panels 2 Documentation

The Panels 2 module is the core engine for a number of sub-modules, including Panels pages, Panels nodes, Mini panels, and Views panes. Panels module allows the website administrator (or sometimes the end-user) to manipulate the layout of individual pages, sidebars, and content pieces, as well as easily dictate what content is displayed in the layout.

Clueless with PHP/Apache/MySQL, Drupal - where do I start?

I just bought a computer with Windows Vista (I know, this was my first mistake)

I've never programmed before. I hardly know how to install anything.

I'd like to install everything locally on my computer, so I can get acquainted with php/mysql/drupal

Could someone walk me through exactly what I need to do to get everything up and running on my computer?


different layouts for different

I'm feeling my way around Drupals admin interface and so far i'm liking the power and flexibility. However, i would like to have a website with different layouts for different pages etc. how do i accomplish this?

Blank pages and missing content

If your site is showing a white screen on one page, the navigation has vanished, or part or all of a page are missing, the following pages provide information to help you debug the problem.

If every page of your site is completely blank, go to the White Screen of Death (Completely Blank Page) page.


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