Edited by: VeryMisunderstood; Comments set to Read Only
Hi Drupalers,
Confirming to the holiday spirit, now offering the superhuge and superfast hosting accounts on DrupalValueHosting.com. Our committment to surpass all hosting companies to provide you the best deals!
Link to hosting package: http://drupalvaluehosting.com/members/order.php
(Select the BlowoutPackage2008 Package)
Here is the list of what is included:
2000 GB Space, 9000 GB Bandwidth, One Free Domain!
Free Account migration from your existing webhost!
Unlimited FTP, Unlimited Subdomains, Unlimited Email Accounts, Unlimited Mysql DB, Unlimited Domains;
Cpanel with Fantastico (over 50 latest web applications autoinstalled)
Yearly Package: $10/Month
Use the coupon code below to get the above package at 50% discount.
COUPON CODE: HalfPriceBlowout50p
(only for drupal.org community, please do not share the discount code on other sites)
You can register one new domain for free! (you will not be charged at all)
Here are the Server Specs: (Top class hardware)
Xeon QuadCore 5335 'Clovertown', 4 x 2.0 GHz, 2 x 4 MB L2 Cache,
Port Speed 1000 Mbps (Premium Bandwidth)
The servers run the latest and most optimized application software.
1. OS: CentOS v5
2. Control Panel: cPANEL with Fantastico
3. Apache v2.2.6