Error in submitting Poll.

I am trying to test 6 beta 4.

Found the following errors:
Haven't submitted errors before. So, I am just posting it here. If it is a valid bug, I would post it to issue log.

a.) When I clicked on "preview" got this error:

warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\installs\apache\Apache2.2\htdocs\drupal-6.0b3\modules\taxonomy\taxonomy.module on line 516.

b.) I continued to "save" it and got the following error:

Drupal 6 Rc4


once Drupal 6 RC4 is installed - and Drupal 6 get released, is it just overwriting the old files with the new ones or will there be any additional changes (sql structure or other things)?

maintaining restaurant food/drink menu (not navigation menu)

I'm looking for a good CMS for a client with a restaurant/bar. they want to maintain online food and drink menus. The design is pretty strict and relies on CSS for heavy styling so just letting the client hand edit the layout would be a disaster. I'd like to have an interface where they client can set up one or more menus with categories and each menu item may have a title, description and price. With Expression Engine custom fields is the best approach without building something custom. What are my options with Drupal?

Best Hosting Package 1000GB Space, 9000GB Transfer, (+ 1 Domain Free)

Edited by: VeryMisunderstood; Comments set to Read Only

Hi Drupalers,

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ImageField: Image Uploads for CCK

ImageField provides a field for uploading images through CCK (the Content Construction Kit).

In Drupal 6, ImageField is built on the FileField module. So most of the documentation on how to do various things with FileField also applies to ImageField. See the FileField handbook for further how-tos and documentation.

Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6

I looked around and didn't see anyone discussing this new book by David Mercer, to be released February 2008. Thought others might be interested in pre-ordering. I am just learning about Drupal and need all the help available.


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