Trivia Game - how to?

concept: Trivia game. Users log into the game. there are chat rooms, each has a topic. for example - a room with 12 users, and the topic is history. questions are asked by a bot. Participants answer in real time. the first person to answer (right) gets points. Scores are recorded and players get prizes accordingly.

Technical requirements for the project:

* Module Development:
o BOT module:
+ a bot per chat-room
+ the bot picks a question based on a category (question from the quiz module)
+ asks the question
+ Timer (for example - 60 seconds per question)
+ declares the winner - gets extra points
+ give the right answer and a link to explanation page (node)

o Timer module ????? We have no idea if such a module exists

o User Statistics - Tracking and Analysis module
+ The Quiz module has some statistics features (develop a new module? customize the Quiz module?)

* Module Customization and Integration
o all of the following need to be integrated with the bot and statistics modules and with each other

o Chat Room
+ Limit the number of users per room
+ Display the users' details: name, points..
+ Timer???

Intermediate to Advanced Drupal Developer Required, pref London / UK.


I'm looking for a developer (or two) with significant experience in Drupal, for one or perhaps more projects.

- Advanced theme creation
- Possibly module development/customisation

how to display multiple pages with content from one cck nodee


is it possible to get multiple pages (or URLs) that are fed with content from one node?

Example for clarification:

* the node with the title "section" contains 3 fields: field_page_1, field_page_2 and field_page_3
* I want to be able to access the contents of the field_page_1 under "http://mydrupalsite/section/page_1", field_page_2 under "http://mydrupalsite/section/page_2" etc.

any hints how this can be accomplished?

my Search doesn't work!

my search is not working. i gave permissions to all yet not working...can anyone help????

Login Link - direct to home page after log in

Can anyone help

I am not skilled enough to follow all the examples

I have this code working in Drupal 5.3 - taken from a support node

It is in a block, limited to anonymous only, only on the home page.

It is my way to present a simple log-in link for a user to log in from.

After log in, the user is taken to the home page

Converting existing app - slowly

I've got another post concerning whether or not Drupal is really suited to my application. As I delve further into what all Drupal is capable of I'm beginning to feel more confident that I could make it work (even if it has to be forced and/or hacked).

However, considering that I already have a lot of my business logic implemented and would like to get people to start using/testing soon, would it be possible/wise to go ahead and install drupal and use it as the basis for my site. Meaning it would control users, navigation/layout and basic privileges. But instead of my applications "data" and presentation being controlled by drupal in the "normal drupal" way it would kind of do its own thing and just make use of drupals user information and keep my applications data/logic parallel to Drupal. Then as I am able to integrate the different pieces of functionality back into drupal I can do it piece by piece.

I realize that is a very awkward and ambiguous question. But I'm still not sure how to make my data "fit" inside of how drupal operates. I'm sure part of it is just lack of understanding how to make drupal fit my needs. So, my question is really can I start working with drupal and as I learn new tricks/techniques move more pieces inside of drupal without having to know it all from the beginning?


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