Add newlines to theme_item_list

I wanted to display Who's Online block as an inline, comma separated list using css.

theme_item_list generates markup like this:

Drupal 5 & 6 - Migrating database changes from development to live websites

Starting with the now defunct flexinode module, and later the CCK and Views modules, major functions of Drupal-based websites are handled through the database. When a developer is working on a development non-live version of a Drupal website; an administrator is unable to copy over the database to a live server. On heavily trafficked websites with lots of content, it's impossible to simply overwrite the database since the content added to the live database after the database is copied to the development server will be removed.

Community Platform Testing

Hey Guys! I am going to be deploying Drupal in a wide scale environment pretty soon, so if you want read back data for modules or anything let me know. Im working on getting the core going with modules. Im here to help. Dont hesitate to contact me.

Drupal 6, MySQL timestamp using Schema API


I've been working with the new Drupal 6 and working on updating some modules. I was wondering, when I use the new Schema API, how might I be able to create a MySQL timestamp field? It differs from the datetime data type in that it will automatically update the datetime entry for the record.

The MySQL documentation about this data type is:

What's more important: security and usability or developer's personal whim?

If the vast majority of Drupal sites are probably configured in a specific way, and if that configuration leads to higher security, should that be the default configuration?

A commonly used module's instructions strongly advise a specific configuration. Unless the site administrator remembers this on each use of the module (which can easily be several times on a site), the module by default will leak unpublished data (i.e., where Publish box is not checked).

New Drupal 6.x forum module

Does anyone have a site that they could display that is using the new drupal 6.0 forum module i am considering using drupal instead of VB however the current forum module is inadequate, i was wondering if anyone had one to show off to see if the new forum module is up to snuff. Thanks all!


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