facebook type of open source platform

Within only three years, facebook is worthing 15B right now. I am interested in developing such a platform for enterprise usage. And I have the prototype of the code right now. And I hope that I would have the chance to work with folks here to further develop that and fix bugs. Are you interested in joining in? If so, I cordially invite you to PM me and I could set up a development forum, so we can exchange idea and fix bugs together. When you PM me, it would be great if you write briefly about why you are interested in doing that!

Trying to wrap my head around Drupal, can someone tell me if I have this right.

Drupal is a framework from which to create and display content.

All content in Drupal is saved as a NODE. A NODE is the most basic type of content, and nodes make up all the content on a Drupal site.

When you create a new peice of content, you are essentially filling up a node with that content.

When Drupal displays the content, all it is doing is accessing that Node, taking the data from that Node, and displaying it on the site. Nodes are the building blocks to a Drupal site.


Okay, if someone can confirm that all the above is basically correct, then I will have understood the concept behind Drupal.

Now, let me wrap my mind around CCK:


A NODE can be expanded by using CCK. The purpose of CCK is essentially to add more information to a NODE easily. This allows all the content on a website to easily be expanded in the future without having to associate something with all the previous articles of content, because with CCK, you simply add something to a NODE which is immediately available to all nodes.

If for example I wanted to always attach an image to a story (e.g. to represent that story for a slideshow), using CCK would allow me to add to all Nodes an image which then can be recognized by Drupal, and displayed on a Drupal site.

Using the Drupal.org testing profile

The Drupal.org testing profile is an installation profile that can be used to create a test site that is configured in a similar way to the drupal.org site.

In general, to use an installation profile you do the following:

Mysterious error 'Node no longer exists'

I'm posting this solution in advance for the benefit of others who might trip over this SimpleXML issue.

Drupal 6 automatically passes cache_save and cache_get arguments through PHP's serialize/unserialize functions.

If you parse an XML string using SimpleXML, it creates an object with invisible properties that won't show up if you do a print_r().

*** Zen Cart + WordPress + PHPbb integration = Drupal? or Zen Cart + Drupal? **opinions are appreciated.

Hi All.

My website TeaXpress.com is being developed. My idea is to have an online teastore with a community where people can exchange ideas. Before I found Drupal, my plan was to integrate WordPress for blogging tea news and PHPbb for community forum. Would this be too much to maintain? It read that Drupal is very easy to maintain. (at the beginning, I didn't know Drupal has forum, but it obviously b/c I am using it:)) Now that I started ZenCart, but WordPress and PHPbb are not yet done. To all the experts out there, which would be the best choice

I'm stuck, which CMS to use for a large community?

I have been working with Joomla to build small business & pesonal websites for the last 6 months or so. I like Joomla, but the I dont know If Joomla would be a good choice for building a large community. I want to be abe to offer customized profiles, galleries, groups and forums and more. I have noticed Drupal is highly talked about and has been used on some social network communities.

I'd like to know what you all think, and why. Joomla or Drupal?


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