Psychological testing for Drupal-based site?

I'm working for implementation of complicated analysis of a results of psychological tests of users
for a Drupal-based web site.

I have a skill in programming, but I would like to modify built-in solution,
instead of writing additional module.

Therefore, the question is:

Are there any existing modules (additions, etc.) for Drupal, which could be used
for creating user interface for psychological testing with automatical storing their results in database?

Thank you. No access problem

I am a huge naruto fan (Biggest Hinata fan ever thank u very much) and I used to watch all my episodes on UNTIL today. Today I was gonna get on the site and watch some old eps when SUDDENLY a Drupal no-access page came up! IT WAS THIS: user warning: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_2520_0.MYD' (Errcode: 17) query: SELECT DISTINCT(p.perm) FROM role r INNER JOIN permission p ON p.rid = r.rid WHERE r.rid IN (1) in /home/naruto/public_html/includes/ on line 172.

"drupal 6" taxonomy change?

It seems there have been some changes to the way taxonomy works, but I can't find any documentation of it. Does anyone know where we can find details?

Web Designer Needed *** eCommerce/UbertCart which one would be good for Travel/Tours site? Looking for an EXPERIENCED Developer

I am working with someone who is looking for to launch a tours travel website I have been looking for the best solutions since we want to be able to implement airline tickets booking couple years from now. I am totally new to Drupal but heard all the good things about it. Is it a good choice?
Also, how come there are so many active versions of Drupal?


Permissions on Installation

Thought that I might help development of Drupal 6 by installing the beta, but have already run into a fundamental problem.

Ftp'd files and ran installation script, granting access as stated in the Install.txt file

Once I ran script it I was directed to "Administer" page where I was told to make permissions on sites/default directory secure, did this and got taken back to the install.php script again.

Seem to be stuck in a loop....can anyone help?

RFP - Selkirk College, Castlegar BC Canada

This is an RFP to replace Selkirk College's current CMS system. Please download the following document for all the requirements and contact information.

I will not answer questions directly, please follow the instructions in the RFP documentation.

Lori Bakken
Web Specialist
Selkirk College


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