How to trim URL in user profile

Hi, I am using a Drupal 6.x and Amadou theme. I have add an URL field to user profiles and Author information block. However, if the URL is too long, it break down the theme layout. Take a look at and "About Jan Polzer" block.

So, my question: is there any way, how to trim the URL from user profile in this block?

Modules for the sixth version

Hello. I have started to work with the Drupal recently, therefore such question: When modules will start to support Drupal 6.0? (after an output of release). How it was with Drupal 5.0?
Yours faithfully, Alexander.

[D6] #after_build declaration in hook_form_alter() causes errors in system.module

function ava_form_alter($form_id, &$form)
		$form['#after_build']=array($form['#after_build'], 'ava_form_check_callbacks');

P-to-P video CDN compatible with Drupal

We are designing an offline social networking site which will allow users to form regional groups like and download full-length documentaries and then meet in the real world to view them projected in a public space or private home. Our next generation site will likely be designed in Drupal 5.x or 6.x and we are using Brightcove for video services. However Brightcove's terms of service are shifting with the wind as they try to find their business model. So we may not always use them as a video service provider.

google spying pages I visit ???

This is very strange... I'm administrator of a drupal site... and everytime I enter to administration to change something, then after a minute I see in the recent log entries an annonymous user (IP from google inc) trying to acces the same pages I accessed from the administration..
of course it gives an access denied to google robot... but this is annoying me... eating bandwidth, cpu and for what? for nothing...

also... worries me.. why google look at pages I visit 1 minute ago all the time ? spy?

Display Primary Links in Content Area

Hi, i yust decided to move to Drupal. Instalation and so on was Ok, but now i have a problem. In the Primary Links i want to integrate a guestbook, but when i click on it, it open in _self, not in the content area.

Thanks for reading and sorry for my english,



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