Premoderated comments for beginner user.

I've installed Drupal, and now I'm configuring it.
I would like to know is it possible to make all new registered users comments premoderated, and after some number of posts make them postmoderated?
As I understand it so far I should make 2 roles for users and should upgrade users to new role after certain number of comments, so is it possible to automatically upgrade user to new role after certain number of approved comments?

Thank you in advance.

Where can I find CCK-Head (for D6)

I can't seem to find the download of CCK-Head for Drupal 6. I've checked on the CCK modules page and see it reference but there's no link to it. Anyone know where I can find this?


Internationilation module to built-in Drupal 6 content translation?

Does anyone know whether it will be possible to go from the Drupal 5.x Internationalization contrib module's content translation to the built-in content translation in Drupal 6.x?

I have a 5.3 site to which I am putting off adding translations to until I know whether or not the upgrade is doable. If not, I'll probably just wait for the stable release of Drupal 6.

Thanks for your time.

-Rob theme, who is the creator? (looks great)


Love the look of

1. who is the designer of this theme running on

2. who is the logo designer?

Drupal 6 database schema dump, anyone?


can someone please do a sql dump of the schema and post it here, I tried looking at the system.install page and it looks pretty cryptic hehe.

Thanks in advance!

node architecture

Can someone explain how the node architecture works?

I understand there is a nodetype which can be a forum, book etc.

Usually in forum design you see 3 tables: forums, threads and posts.

How does this work with Drupal? Is the node similiar to the 'posts' table that contains the actual body of the content?


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