Setting up a Forum ONLY, or Blog Only site


If I want the front page of my drupal site to be a forum (listing all the forums) or a blog (with my blog enteries), is this something that will require custom coding or it can be done via the control panel?

Drupal on the intranet

I'm trying out Drupal 6.x on our corporate intranet. Everything installed nicely and configuration is going well. There is one problem however. Our intranet doesn't have direct access to the internet. Everything goes via a proxy (a common configuration in a corporate setting I would imagine). Drupal appears to assume a direct connection. Thus basic core functionality like the "update status" module don't work. Is there a way to configure Drupal to use a proxy for all outbound connections (eg. update status, RSS feeds)?

FCKeditor 2.5 has been released...

I have a fresh installation on drupal 6, but I don't know why it appears for a second then hides off.

How to create additions to FAPI

I am thinking of making a module with some additions to the Forms API (FAPI). You might think of client-sided validation, some toolbars for input fields for help with BBcode, smileys, etc. The same way you would now create form inputs using FAPI you would have to define those custom elements and for existing elements there would have to be an extra property (like '#title', so no HTML property) for client-sided validation. At least, that's what I have in mind right now.

The main question is... Would this be possible?

database schema


Where can I find the database schema in drupal? I tried searching the folders for 'create table' but that didn't really turn up much.


[D6] menu items are not being showed

function vocabindex_menu()



		'title'=>'Vocabulary index pages',

		'access arguments'=>'manage vocabulary index pages',

		'page callback'=>'drupal_get_form',

		'page arguments'=>'vocabindex_form_admin',



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