Rating module needed

I am curious if there might already be a module out there for rating things like wine.

One that registered users could post a wine with a description and allow other users to rate it and perhaps even comment on it.

If one does not exist, how difficult would it be for a novice to create?


Trivia game

concept: Trivia game. Users log in to the game. questions are asked. Participants answer in real time. the first person to answer (right) gets points. Scores are recorded and players get prizes accordingly.

Theming from scratch for a drupal newbie


I have a CSS/XHTMl template that I want to convert into a 3 column drupal theme but the snippets of php theme, what they do and where I'm supposed to put them is turning out to be somewhat less than clear. Is there any way I can get hold of a basic list that says: "this is the code" -->> "this is what it does" so that I can make it work?

Edit Image Buttons In Firefox

When I try too edit any of my pages or blog posts in Firefox the edit image buttons don't appear? Has anyone else had this problem? I have checked on a few computers and run into the same problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Also I am not exactly sure how to check which version I am using of Drupal, does anyone know how to check that?



Noob Question about menus

HI, i have a noob question about 6.3, how do i desplay the children of a menu, in the node.
i have tryed print menu_tree(); and gotten the hole tree, but i need the children of just one item any idea how to get that? It is probably just a variable in the (). The menu items id is 110 so with that I have tried (110), (navigation,110). none of those worked.
Plz Help


Why Joomla has more themes?

I wish drupal has Joomla like themes...our themes seems to very boring :-). Is it easier to design them for Joomla?

I love drupal, just I wish we had more options to choo$e from.


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