Drupal 6 (beta three) will not create user 1, can't login

I went to set up a local Drupal 6, and it went smoothly until the step of creating the main admin user 1. After I entered the info, it went to a blank page. When I retyped in the base address, it went to the page to login and begin setting up the site. But, when I went to login, it told me that I was not an authorized user (with the username and password I just created). Nor would it recognize either a username or email address to email me a password. I checked in the database, and there were still placeholders for User 1.

Developer for Sport Social Networking Website

Project Description for Sport Social Networking Website

We are looking for a partner to help us develop a Sports Social Networking site on Drupal. With difference to popular Social Networking sites, our Sports site will revolve around teams instead of users, and the teams will become more popular based on the votes they receive.

Project Scope:
The main features include the modules described below. Most of them are off the shelf Drupal modules that would have to be integrated into a custom designed template.

• Users can join a team group
• Users can create their own member profile page
• Users can create and participate in blogs
• Users can create and participate in groups
• Users can create and participate in team pages
• Users can vote for teams
• Users can create and participate in forums
• Users can create and participate in polls
• Users can upload news
• Users can comment on posted content
• Users can recommend posted content (tagging)
• Users can upload and watch images
• Users can upload and watch videos from YouTube
• Users can chat and send instant messages
• Users can report inappropriate content
• Content pages include “Service Links” (Digg, del.icio.us, reddit, Technorati etc.)
• RSS aggregator for external and internal feeds
• Google Analytics

check_plain and t() ?

regularly you would use the tokens but for large areas of plain text or a textarea of a node should t() even be used? checkplain then t or t then checkplain? I have not had a need to translate anything yet so this is confusing me a little

Problem well Installing Drupal Beta 6.0


I am having a problem when trying to install the 6.0 Beta, The directory files does not exist. To proceed with the installation, please ensure that the files directory exists and is writable by the installer. If you are unsure how to create this directory and modify its permissions, please consult the on-line handbook or INSTALL.txt.


how do we remove the text "Search this site" from the search box

In my search block on the home page the search box is preceded with the text "Search this site", what is the preferred way to remove that text? thanks -chris

error in forum pages after upgrade D6 beta 2 to 3

after upgrading drupal beta 2 to beta 3
in the forum pages shown this text " You are not allowed to post new content in forum " for all user.
I disabled all modules after upgrading and then enabled these again but this error not solved.
please help me quickly!

my website is http://testd6.irdrupal.com/


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