not in 6

I noticed that this is not in drupal 6:

Page title: (form)

To enable browsing this field by value, enter a title for the resulting page. The word %value will be substituted with the corresponding value. An example page title is "People whose favorite color is %value". This is only applicable for a public field.

But it is in drupal 4.7.

do you think that might change?


Expressions of Interest - Gaming Review Site


Looking for a person who is interested in joining a team that is creating a gaming review site.

We are right now looking for a "Drupal Theme Designer"


choose theme function with Drupal 6.x by code


I'm converting one module from 5.x to 6.x

There is functionality to choose and create theming dynamically.

version 5.x looks something like this:

Drupal Registration Module- $500 bounty

This bounty is for the following module/drupal workflow solution

We require a Drupal module which would enable us to:
Step 1. Enable visitor to search for available domains [API access via Enom/DirectI]
Step 2. Allow visitor to choose one of the available hosting packages
Step 3. Register user account and take payment via paypal
Step 4. Upon successfull payment, auto provision the hosting package and send welcome emails

Views 2: Call for help

Views 2 is currently being updated for Drupal 6 compatibility, but it needs major help in order to be ready for the Drupal 6's approximate release date! We're short on people and short on time, so here's the bottom line. Without your assistance and contributions, there will be no Views for Drupal 6 within any useful timeframe. If we don't have Views 2 ready for the D6 release date, the vast majority of casual users might not even bother to download and try Drupal 6. That would be bad, so you need to get involved in helping to complete Views 2 so this scenario doesn't happen!

Getting notices from the new menu system

My hook_menu contains the following items (among others):


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