"Ask the Expert" - Question Version

Getting Started

With this module, when a question is entered it goes into a queue (a separate table) and is not yet a node. That queue is accessed from the Administration menu.

All potential experts must access the single queue and select (promote) their questions. At that point the module creates a "question" node and pre-populates the question text. It does not suggest, or fill in, the title.

It has apparently been left to the adopter of the module to determine how to display the actual Q&A nodes.

"Ask the Expert" - FAQ Version

Getting Started

Actually, downloading, installing, and configuring the FAQ module was already done, since it was already in use on the first site to get this new feature.


We were already set for most of this.

"Ask the Expert" or Advice Column

Like many web sites, we wanted to have an "Ask the Expert" feature where the users could submit questions and an expert could give advice. There were a few things we really wanted to make this work well.

Updating CCK Modules from 5.x to 6.x

There are significant changes in CCK field modules in 6.x compared to 5.x. This document identifies the changes that developers will need to make in their modules.

open id server

Open id is rally nice feature. Thanks to drupal developers to icluding OpenId in code.
I'm building a couple of sites for an organisation. I hav decided to using OpenID for unified authentication.
How I can configure main domain for authentication all sites using OpenId.

Attaching images to other nodes

The Image Attach module allows you to attach images to any kind of node. You can use existing image nodes or upload a new image, which will automatically create a new image node. The Image Attach module is part of the Image module package.

To use the image attach module:

  1. Enable the Image module and the Image Attach module
  2. Make sure attachment of existing images to nodes is enabled at admin/settings/image/image_attach (this is the default)
  3. Go to admin/content/types to administer content types. For each content type for which you want to enable attachment of images, click "edit" (or click on the content type name) and set the option for "Attach images" to Enable.
  4. Optionally, while on this page, you may set the derivative size to show for both teasers and full nodes, and also limit the maximum number of image nodes that may be attached to each node.

The image is displayed as a thumbnail, linked to the image node, in the top righthand corner of the node by default. This can be controlled to a minor degree by changing the "Attached image ... weight" on the content type's admin page (see above), and to a more major degree using theming and custom CSS.

Alternatives to Image Attach


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