Dreamwaever extension beta test

After long days of work dreamweaver extension for dupal theme creation is ready for beta test.

Drupal compatibility 4, 5, 6

Dreamweaver 9 (cs3), previous version will be supported if a developers requests.

A screen shot will be published soon.

Submenu Tree Installation

The Menu module included with Drupal is required in order to install Submenu Tree.

Submenu Tree can be installed via the standard Drupal installation process.

CCK/Views -vs- Dedicated Module

I've been curious about this for a while, though I've just started looking into. CCK and Views are great tools, opens a lot of flexibility and customizing to people who aren't programers.

My concern though is the ever increasing reliance on CCK/Views to be the magic bullet, vs. dedicated modules to handle things. This concern may be unfounded, I don't know, like I said I've been curious about it for a while, but have only just started looking into it.

But the endless customization that is available to CCK/Views makes me wonder if we're heading down the road to bloat city, with all the perceived overhead of pulling together the CCK/Views info. Again, I don't know for certain if this is true, or even an issue, which is why I'm here to ask about it.

Now I know that every site is different, and that optimization starts with first looking at the needs of the site. But more often than not, CCK/Views seems to be the de-facto answer to anything that comes up, which is what has me worried.

Is there reason to worry? Should CCK/Views be used only on "low traffic" sites (I know I know... what is "low traffic"). Is it better to view CCK/Views more as a way for rapid prototyping modules? Is there a way to export a CCK/Views mix into a dedicated module for optimization? Would be be interested in that if there was?

$300 - $500 for a menu system of a Scientific Marine Site

I am building a site for marine scientists from around the world to share research, information, photos, sightings, podcasts, general stories etc. I have a bounty of $300 - $500. It doesn’t need to be a general module.

I need a decent hierarchical menu system populated from (maybe there is a different solution) predefined taxonomy categories, the type of node and the author. There will be about 400 terms. For example.

Region drop down

- Africa
-- Ghana
-- Mozambique
-- Kenya
- Europe
-- United Kingdom
-- France
-- Germany

Marine Species drop down

- Shark
-- Great White
-- Leopard
-- Thrasher
- Ray
-- Manta
-- Yellow Spotted
-- Eagle

Poster drop down

- University of Marine Science
-- Professor Blue
-- Doctor Green

Type of post drop down

- Photos
- Podcasts
- Research notes
- Sightings

Two search examples would be

- All Post Types from All Universities of Leopard Sharks and Great Whites and Manta Rays from Kenya

- Photos taken in Africa of Rays by Professor Green

The menu has to sit in the left sidebar, work with multilingual sites featuring multi-selectable, dependent drop downs. New taxonomy terms are added by an administrator and the user information is collected from the user’s profile. It has to be easily ported to Drupal 6 in the future.

A good example is the Men's Clothing Finder on ebay.

LibSyn hosting or integration?

I'm seriously considering starting a new podcast. It looks like LibSyn (libsyn.com) is the best hosting service for podcast media, since they give you X-much storage each month. (e.g. the 100MB plan gives 100MB this month, 200MB next month, etc. They move everything outside of the current 100MB to a slower "archive" server.)

I'd really like to use Drupal for the podcast and not the default blogging system that they offer. I don't have anything against what they offer, but I know Drupal pretty well.

blog permissions issue

hi everyone, i'm new at Drupal and here is my problem:

I'm using Drupal 6.0-beta2 and i cant see without beeing logged the blog or the links that point to the blog. I'm using Garland theme and i think thats all.

It displays this message

Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.

From where can i modify the blogs permissions, in Home › Administer › User management i only can change "edit own blog" but there is nothing about seeing the blog.

Please help



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