I am building a site for marine scientists from around the world to share research, information, photos, sightings, podcasts, general stories etc. I have a bounty of $300 - $500. It doesn’t need to be a general module.
I need a decent hierarchical menu system populated from (maybe there is a different solution) predefined taxonomy categories, the type of node and the author. There will be about 400 terms. For example.
Region drop down
- Africa
-- Ghana
-- Mozambique
-- Kenya
- Europe
-- United Kingdom
-- France
-- Germany
Marine Species drop down
- Shark
-- Great White
-- Leopard
-- Thrasher
- Ray
-- Manta
-- Yellow Spotted
-- Eagle
Poster drop down
- University of Marine Science
-- Professor Blue
-- Doctor Green
Type of post drop down
- Photos
- Podcasts
- Research notes
- Sightings
Two search examples would be
- All Post Types from All Universities of Leopard Sharks and Great Whites and Manta Rays from Kenya
- Photos taken in Africa of Rays by Professor Green
The menu has to sit in the left sidebar, work with multilingual sites featuring multi-selectable, dependent drop downs. New taxonomy terms are added by an administrator and the user information is collected from the user’s profile. It has to be easily ported to Drupal 6 in the future.
A good example is the Men's Clothing Finder on ebay.