User Specific Database Problem

Hi all,

a little background info before i jump into the problem.

I'm working on a multi-site, using drupal 5.3 but upgrading to drupal 6 upon the official release and module updates. The site is a newspaper/media collection of websites. it's not that important what the sites are about since it can be about anything. so on one site it will be a pro journalistic content, another site or subdomain with user generated content, another site for videos like youtube, and another for music and photos. each site operates on it's own and has its own managers and content providers.

to make a long story short, we have all these sites, but we are planning on making another site that is entirely about the user, so in order to view the content on all the other sites you can have register on this site, we want the database kept separate of the content and other site related info... this database only has the user info... we're building a lot of other tables and fields on the user db along with several modules that would harness the power of these new tables and feed them into the other sites (this module along with several others in the works will be released as contributed modules)

CVS Drupal Checkout Question -- Post Checkout Relocation of Drupal Directory

I'm just getting my feet wet with CVS checkouts...

So lets say I do a CVS checkout of HEAD to my users/sgluskin/drupal directory on my Mac. Then I drag the whole drupal directory to a different location like... users/sgluskin/webstuff/drupal

Will moving the directory affect the ability of me to run the CVS update command?



4 problems with Drupal (an article on Drupal performance)

An interesting article on Drupal performance, i stumbled upon i thought might be interesting read for the community

INSERT statements for text columns

As documented in, type 'text' columns cannot have default values. This restriction is imposed by MySQL. However, as described at, MySQL treats text columns as if they have an implicit default value of the empty string. These two behaviors encourage non-portable programming practices but it is easy to avoid those practices and do things correctly.

Suppose you have the following table definition:

$schema['mytable'] = array(
  'fields' => array(
    'id' => array('type' => 'int'),
    'info' => array('type' => 'text', 'not null' => TRUE)),

The 'info' column is type text. It is not null and, as is required, has no default value. To write rows to this table, you always need to provide a value for the 'info' column even if it is the empty string. Here are correct examples:

$row->id = $whatever;
$row->info = '';

// using an explicit INSERT statement:
db_query("INSERT INTO {mytable} (id, info) VALUES (%d, '%s')", $row->id, $row->info);

// using drupal_write_record():
drupal_write_record('mytable', $row);

You cannot perform these inserts without a value for 'info'. Here are incorrect examples:

$row->id = $whatever;
// $rows->info is not defined!

// INCORRECT explicit INSERT statement:
db_query("INSERT INTO {mytable} (id) VALUES (%d)", $row->id);

Important Topics

The following pages describe a number of subtleties in Schema API usage that are important to understand in order to write reliable, database-portable code.

e-commerce / Multiple vendors on the same site


I am looking for a Drupal based solution to build a web site where hundreds of users can sell goods and share revenues with the site managers. The idea would be to track sales and manage reversals, commissions etc..

Any idea ?




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