content translation

Im not fermiliar with the proccess yet and what is doable. The content is not translated correct? that must be manually created per language?

Translating Drupal inti Kurdih

Hi there.
I have written same subject in same topic last week but i didn't get any answer.
Can some one please help me to how to start Drupal inti Kurdish?

Comment Voting

Does anybody know if there is a module that can handle comment votes? The nodevote module does probably not fit for this. The purpose would be to have special injected comments for the forum module, that let users give a thankfulness vote in response to a helpful comment. Of course the given votes have to be counted somehow ... - How should I begin??

Thanks in advance

Stupid question but about sending email

(I think it's version 6.+)

This is my first site with drupal and there are many things that I like, but there are also many things that are frustrating me right now... especially since someone else installed it for me wherein I usually do everything for all my sites. So needless to say, I'm back to feeling like a complete newbie.

Here's my issue (and it's probably a dumb one):

Is the 4.7 Mail current or can it only be used with vers. 4.7?

Is that the module that I'd use to send a typical email to my members?

Thanks in advance for all your help.

Breadcrumbs Failing Under 6.0-beta2

I'm playing around with Drupal 6.0b2 and filling in the role of "Total Newb to Drupal" for testing :D

Anywho, I'm managing to clumsy myself around pretty well, except for one thing which has been driving me nuts: the breadcrumbs are completely failing on my site.

Writers Community

Well, I'm looking into setting up a writer's community site for aspiring writers to publish their stories and get feedback. I've spent the last day or so installing Joomla only to find I don't really like the backend. I felt more like i was adding content to an already built site than building my own. I've now moved towards Drupal.

Its definitely more impressive on control. I just worry about features because I am not a scripter myself (I'm good with html and some php, but not at this complex of a level), so unless I want to throw cash into the site, its going to be built mostly on predesigned mods.

I think a multi-tier power structure would be best. Admin first, of course, then Editors who moderate content (mostly just checking for spam, or inappropriate things), then users. Is this possible with Drupal?

i also would like author's content to be viewable from their profile. Everything they write listed in one place. I also see that drupal has a book feature...can books be set to collaborative or noncollaborative or just collaborative?

I'm also looking into the following features:

-Personal Web Space for all users to Upload files
-Personal, Private, Journals for users

I'm also not sure of the forum on seems very barebones...has there been an attempt to intergrate drupal with phpbb3, smf, or another more full featured forum board?


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