Importing excel data to put into the database and be able to put on the web site

I have a raw data in excel, can I import that data into the database and create a web site using Drupal and
put all the queries on that page to get the data on the database?

Hook not being called?

I'm building an AJAX translation module which will improve the ease of online translating compared to the locale and other existing modules. I'm fairly new to drupal development and ran into a problem already. The install() hook does not seem to be called when installing the module. This is the code in the translator.install file so far:

// $Id: translator.install

* Implementation of hook_install().
function translator_install() {
echo "translator_install()";

* Implementation of hook_uninstall().
function translator_uninstall() {
db_query('ALTER TABLE locales_source DROP comments;');
db_query('ALTER TABLE locales_target DROP fuzzy;');

* Implementation of hook_schema().
function translator_schema() {
echo "translator_schema()";

// Our schema will be based on that of the locale module
$schema = locale_schema();

$schema['fields']['locales_source']['comments'] = array(
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 255,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'description' => t('Comments are only visible to translators. It can be used to specify a context or interpretation which might be useful when translating.'),
$schema['fields']['locales_target']['fuzzy'] = array(
'type' => 'int:tiny',

PHPMyAdmin export via PHP ?

Does anyone have experience executing phpmyadmin and taking advantage of its export capabilities? even as to provide a simple interface to a client rather than have them go through the phpmyadmin UI ?


Example: Rating a Node with Adobe Flex

This code sample demonstrates how to use the vote up down methods of the Services module via Flex.

First ensure you have Drupal installed with the Services and AMFPHP modules properly set up. Refer to this page for more details on how to do this.

You must have the vote_up_down module installed in order to enable the vote_up_down service. First install the vote_up_down module and then apply this patch to the Services module to reveal the new services methods (see also, this feature seems to be in flux).

Before trying to access the service via Flex, ensure you have the proper settings and permissions of the vote_up_down module set up so that you can vote through the normal Drupal interface.

Next copy the following MXML code into a new Flex Project and then update the endpoint to point to your AMFPHP gateway:

Design, Build and Implement New Community-Matching Site

I am looking for a contractor who can design, build and implement my ideas for a community-matching site. I would like the project to be done within the next 30 to 45 days. Interested contractors should include their portolio of work, their rate and how they might approach the project.
This project has the opportunity to become a long term contract project.


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