Drupal 6 white page of death

That's what I get when installing drupal on my local MAMP on mac. I fill everything as usual, and after setting up the database, white screen of death. Then if I go to the homepage it works, but my access is denied for every admin section (pretty much everything at this state).

I know it's still a beta.. but it looks fishy to me to have a beta2 that has that kind of bug.

Getting Started Questions: css/html, tutorials, etc.

I recently followed the instructions in the handbook for setting up a local server with automatic installation of Drupal. It seemed to work okay, with only a few issues. I've looked over the beginning tutorials and tried to add some simple content with some success, but there are a few things I need help with or would like. Can someone help me locate this information so I can evaluate whether or not Drupal is for me?

1. Can I look at the html and css that Drupal generates and edit those separately from the control panel interface?

Online Payment

Good Day,

Is there any module for Drupal wherein I can sell my products online and be able to transact all the payments to my bank account?


Adding meta-information to media

I have been wandering around with an idea for a while now, which I may just work into a Drupal module if I get the chance to do so.

Our websites are increasingly filled with rich media, such as audio and video. This is fine, because rich media, as the term hints at, is much better at conveying a message. I myself, work in the academic world and over there knowledge sharing is a very big thing of course.

In my own organization, I'm a strong proponent to recording (video or audio) as much seminars and similar events as possible. The problem with these events, I find, is that too often a lot of energy is put into organizing them, while when they're over, no one else can benefit from these lectures, until a new one is held. In comes podcasting and vodcasting, to make events such as these more valuable to others, even after they are over.

The problem, I find, with rich media such as audio or video is that they are very linear. They have a beginning and an end, and unlike with text, you can't skim these media very easily to find a point which would be interesting for you. And unless someone who creates the content also thoroughly describes the rich media content, the contents of your rich media don't show up in search engines. Tough luck.

I'd like do do something about that, by creating a community driven annotation tool.

Users should be able to :

how do i update other pages ?

hello am n00b ! so please be patient

when i click on create content then > page it always updates the front page .. but i want it in a way that i can also create a page that will update other pages on my site not the front page .. i hope what i said was clear ..

is it possible ?
thank you in advance

Module development and OOP

Hi everyone!

I have only one little question: Is it possible to develop Drupal modules the oop way or would this cause problems like bad performance or something similar? Is there a module which makes it possible- havent found anything.

Thanks in advance.



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