On-line journaling question

Hello, all.

I am considering Drupal for a potential project. Along with other features like a forum and newsletter, my client is interested in having an on-line journal. This journal would have some content already in place (suggestions for the user to write about, etc.), and would need to have a new page unlocked for use each day.

My question is: Is there a feature or module in Drupal that will facillitate this type of "page a day" journaling?

Thank you!

Drupal 6.0 translation

I'm working on a custom translation of Drupal 5 for one of my clients. He plans to use Drupal 6 when released though.
I wonder how different is v6 in terms of gettext strings. If I finish v5 translation will all those strings be compatible with v6, even with some minor changes, or should I have to wait and start from scratch when v6 released?

I'd appreciate any opinion folks :)

Image Gallery, but...need advice!

Hi Drupalfans! :)

I am developing a website for a big community, which needs a image gallery with following attributes:

-When the user is registering on the website ONLY one image must be uploaded. Afterwards the user can change the picture, but cant add more pictures, it has to be only one picture/user. This picture has to be resizeable (thumbnails) and on different parts of the website.

-The userbase is giant, so the images should not be memorized in the MySQL db.

-The visual apperance must be highliy configurable.

Unpublish node with Replacement Page ???

With our Drupal site inventory growing and growing we face a major maintenance issue
with taking down or renaming pages (that their urls) from time to time.

The goal is to *redirect*

- Visitors (referred from other sites or bookmarks)
- Google & Co (for the link juice)

to the NEW page (or an "default page" saying that the page was discontinued)
(which then needs to be specified)

Unique path and form for each contact category


This module expands the features of the site wide contact form. It eliminates the need for the drop down category menu by generating a form, and a unique path, for each of the contact form categories. Now with the ability to specify Additional information for each category - D6 only

The path 'contact/{category}' generates a contact form for that category with a title = 'contact {category}'.

If a path is entered that does not have a category you can specify a page to redirect to. The default fall back path is contact.


This module was written for sites that have many email contacts where you want a page with information about the people / departments etc with links to their individual contact forms.

Create a "Contact Directory" page with a path like 'directory' and lay it out how you would like it. Links to the forms can be made with the following code [using the drupal link function]

print l('Email Jill Jones', 'contact/Jill_Jones');

This page can be set as the fall back page if a contact/category path is entered that doesn't exist.


contact.module must be enabled.


  1. Copy contact_forms folder to sites/all/modules/.
  2. Check contact.module is enabled
  3. Enable Contact Forms module

modules for show a block for specific terms

help to find the module which adds functional to the block module - in Custom visibility settings - to show a block on the pages of belongings certain taxinomy.

It is necessary so that at editing of block, in the section of Custom visibility settings, was added choice of taxonomy - such as at creation of node.


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