This module expands the features of the site wide contact form. It eliminates the need for the drop down category menu by generating a form, and a unique path, for each of the contact form categories. Now with the ability to specify Additional information for each category - D6 only
The path 'contact/{category}' generates a contact form for that category with a title = 'contact {category}'.
If a path is entered that does not have a category you can specify a page to redirect to. The default fall back path is contact.
This module was written for sites that have many email contacts where you want a page with information about the people / departments etc with links to their individual contact forms.
Create a "Contact Directory" page with a path like 'directory' and lay it out how you would like it. Links to the forms can be made with the following code [using the drupal link function]
print l('Email Jill Jones', 'contact/Jill_Jones');
This page can be set as the fall back page if a contact/category path is entered that doesn't exist.
contact.module must be enabled.
- Copy contact_forms folder to sites/all/modules/.
- Check contact.module is enabled
- Enable Contact Forms module