taxonomy searching

I need to be able to add a menu in a sidebar that is driven from two or more categories with terms. This is for an animal charity site

I want to be able to use my standard site wide categories to drill down into posts. For example the two categories would be Country and Animal. You use a multi select dropdown menu to select the country and another dropdown menu to select an animal(s) so you could search for the term China and the the term pandas to out output all the items on pandas in China in the main section of the page.

The Submenu Tree Use Case

Drupal provides a great framework for creating and editing content. However, structuring content, especially into a hierarchy, is one area where site builders might find Drupal lacking.

Submenu Tree provides a method for structuring content hierarchically. For content which has a menu link, Submenu Tree can display a list of content which is at the same level or below the content in the menu.

Common Use Cases

Consider using Submenu Tree if you are trying to accomplish any of the following:

  • You want to display all of the first level menu items in one location (such as in a navigation bar across the top of the site) and all of the second level menu items in another area (such as in a block on the sidebar).
  • You want to separate the site navigation into multiple levels and present the user with only one level at a time.
  • You require the functionality of the core Drupal Books module but find it too limiting or difficult to use.
  • All of your content is closely related. You want to display titles or teasers of content at the same level or below the current content.

Clean URLs for EasyPHP 2 (with Apache 2)

For EasyPHP 2
1. Uncomment this:
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

2. Under <Directory "${path}/www"> Change

AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All

text-decoration: none not working while editing the marvin theme

as stated - i tried altering the chameleon css in case it was overruling - i can't think of anywhere else... this has worked fine in other themes

any help would be great - thanks!

Drupal 5.3 and PostgreSQL 8.2 installation problem


I tried to install Drupal 5.3 (I tried 6.0 beta2 too) on a debian Sarge system with a PostgreSQL 8.2.3 database.

I followed the installation step :

- creating the postgresql user
- creating the database
- set write access on settings.php
- configure my website in apache 1.3

Then I access my web site. I follow the installation steps in my browser (database name, database username...etc).

At the end of the steps, it congratulates me that I installed drupal successfully, and the when I access my home page, I have this error :


Access denied

* warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /data/www/mydrupalwebsite/modules/user/user.module on line 368.
* warning: array_fill() [function.array-fill]: Number of elements must be positive in /data/www/mydrupalwebsite/modules/user/user.module on line 369.
* warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /data/www/mydrupalwebsite/modules/user/user.module on line 369.
* warning: pg_query() []: Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near ")" LINE 1: ...r INNER JOIN permission p ON p.rid = r.rid WHERE r.rid IN () ^ in /data/www/mydrupalwebsite/includes/ on line 125.

One Click Posting

I just enabled a one click posting javascript feature on Wordpress.
It let's me use automatically post a title and html link to to brand new page.

Can Drupal do that ?

This is the Javascript code in my bookmark that posts the Title and the link of the page to Wordpress.


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