Drupal 6 Beta 2, how to post image in blog?

Just play around with Drupal 6 beta 2, not able to post image to my story page. Not able to find image module for this version. Anybody can help? or shall I go back to Drupal 5.3 and install image module?

Question about content translation in Drupal 6 beta2

Hi everyone,

I have some questions for content translation feature of the new Drupal-6-beta2. I tried to make a site with two languages (Russian and English, with Russian as basic). I have added russian language, make it default, add Path prefix 'en' to English language. I also enabled 'Multilingual support' for page content type. And I selected 'Path prefix only' Language negotiation.

which modules are used is the most popular ?


I'm new here, so i being build my site.

I have a one question;
which modules are used is the most popular ?
Can you list here 20 module ?


sorry for my bad english

Submenu Tree

Submenu Tree provides a method for structuring content hierarchically. For content which has a menu link, Submenu Tree can display a list of content which is at the same level or below the content in the menu.

Sponsor this Node Block / Module ?

Anybody know how to setup an "sponsor this node" block? Maybe one of the drupal ecommerce modules could fill this need?

I would settle for much less, but I'd ideally like to have sort of a block that shows a maximum bid at the top of a block with a submitted image, with lower bids below in a list.

To me, an inspiration for this sort of functionality is bla.st (http://www.bla.st)

Thank you in advance

Upgrading 6.0 beta 1 to 2 trouble

I've been testing 6 beta 1 for a little bit (haven't really done any customizations) on a windows server 2003 / IIS / mysql system. I tried the upgrade today a few times; but each time it would just get to the upgrading screen (after the version check page) and sit there without any feedback or advancing to the log page. It did seem to start something as I realized the extra navigation menu I put it wasn't being shown. I believe the upgrade url was ending with an "id=6".


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